COMMENT_1 {filter messages if MRN does not match an entry in table rxtfc_filter_adt_by_mrn}}
{COMMENT_2 {turn on this filter by setting Default to N in table rxtfc_filter_adt_by_mrn}}
{COMMENT_3 {turn off this filter by setting Default to Y in table rxtfc_filter_adt_by_mrn}}
{MSGTYPE {hl7}}
{MSGVERS {2.3}}
{MSGVARNM {global_super_adt}}
{FLDID {0(0).PID(0).#3}}
{UPOC1 {{“oth_lookup” {{TBLNM rxtfc_filter_adt_by_mrn} {DEBUG N}}}}}
{MSGOPER {==}}
{VAL2CHK4 {Y}}
{LRFLDID {0(0).MSH(0).#9.[0]}}
{MSGCTXT {xlt_pre}}
Is this proc similar to kill_msg in that these arguments would be edited into the pre or post proc TPS Properties?