Alerts question

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Alerts question

  • Creator
  • #51604
    David Ma

      I’ve written an alert that will fire if there haven’t been any messages received by a thread in X minutes…  

      IE:  I’m doing this:

         { NAME {David Charge Test} }

         { VALUE lastr }

         { SOURCE CHG_F_IMPAC_G2 }

         { MODE delta }

         { WITH -2 }

         { COMP {> 4500} }

         { FOR {nmin 5} }

         { WINDOW {* 37 15 * * 1-5} }

         { ACTION {

             { exec /hci/scripts/test/alerts/IMPACGerrorMsg }

      But this alert will never fire if I set the duration to X minuts. But If I set Duration to “Once” like the following, it works fine.


         { NAME {David Charge Test} }

         { VALUE lastr }

         { SOURCE CHG_F_IMPAC_G2 }

         { MODE delta }

         { WITH -2 }

         { COMP {> 4500} }

         { FOR once }

         { WINDOW {* 37 15 * * 1-5} }

         { ACTION {

             { exec /hci/scripts/test/alerts/IMPACGerrorMsg }

      Any suggestions?


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    • Author
      • #70939
        Michael Hertel

          Uncheck delta and see if that helps.

        • #70940
          mike brown


            My understanding of the Alerts and I can be corrected.

            Is if the first ex. thread in your case is greater than 4500 sec for more than 5mins send a alert, mon-fri and at 1537. and it will Alert every 5 mins until it has received a message then it will start over.

            But only at 15:37 every day will it check if you leave a time in that field.

            If the thread in your other ex. case is greater than 4500 sec and the FOR is set to once, an Alert will be sent as soon as it goes greater than 4500 sec one time and no other alert will be sent.

            Again it will only check at 15:37 daily for the 4500 sec last receive

            I hope this helps, if I am wrong please educate me on this.

            Mike Brown

            Baycare Health

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