global tclprocs

  • Creator
  • #51540
    Kevin Crist

    I just tried to make a softlink for a tclproc (first time trying it) and i am not getting the tclproc to show up in any other sites.

    i put the proc in gsh_global site, then went to the tclprocs directory and did the ln -s $HCIROOT/gsh_global/tclprocs/”proc file name” “proc file name” and then did mktclindex and i can see it in thier but just not in any other site. Did i do this the wrong way?

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  • Author
    • #70711
      Russ Ross

      For a homegrown global TCL proc to show up across all sites you need to create the symbolic link in


      and do your mktclindex in that directory.

      If you create your symbolic link in $HCISITEDIR/tclprocs it will only be visible to the global site and $HCISITEDIR.

      Unfortunately you will want to make a backup copy of


      So you can do a diff after your mktclindex so you can add back the desired entries that get blown away ; otherwise, you could just make a backup copy and manually add the one entry of interest.

      We had a mda_global site with link in $HCIROOT/tclprocs for a long time.

      I did not find out recently about the lack of robustness of the $HCIROOT/tclprocs/tclIndex file and wasn’t impacted by it because it is the JAVA stuff that gets blown away.

      Here is a script we have been using to reduce the human error that recreates all the symbolic links in $HCIROOT/tclprocs for object in our mda_global site and does a mktclindex that you can build off of if you want.

      Now that we are at Cloverleaf 5.6 we simply specified mda_global as our master site and no lnger need homegrown symbolic links.



      # Begin Module Header ==============================================================================
      # Name:
      # make_links_for_mda_global_tclprocs.ksh
      # Purpose:
      # Create all the $HCIROOT/tclprocs symbolic links for all *.tcl file in the mda_global site.
      # Notes:
      # will remove any existing links in the $HCIROOT/tclprocs directory and
      # will remove $HCIROOT/mda_global/tclprocs/tclIndex if it exists and
      # will do mktclindex for the $HCIROOT/tclprocs directory
      # History:
      # 2000.08.22 Russ Ross
      #          – wrote initial version
      # 2003.01.08 Russ Ross
      #          – modified to create absolute paths in the links to adhere to team standard
      # End of Module Header =============================================================================

      # remove any existing links in the $HCIROOT/tclprocs directory
      # and chmod -rw-rw-r– all the mda_global TCL files

      echo ==========
      cd $HCIROOT/tclprocs
      chmod 664 *
      mda_global_link_list=`ls -l | grep ^l | awk ‘{print $9}’`
      for mda_global_link in $mda_global_link_list; do
         echo Deleting link $mda_global_link
         rm $mda_global_link

      # get list of tcl file that will need links created and
      # remove $HCIROOT/mda_global/tclprocs/tclIndex if it exists

      cd $HCIROOT/mda_global/tclprocs
      tcl_file_list=`ls *.tcl|sort`
      rm -f tclIndex

      # create the symbolic links

      echo ==========
      cd $HCIROOT/tclprocs
      for tcl_file in $tcl_file_list; do
         echo creating link for $tcl_file
         ln -s $HCIROOT/mda_global/tclprocs/$tcl_file $tcl_file

      # do mktclindex for the $HCIROOT/tclprocs directory

      echo ==========
      echo Making TCL index file

      To use prior to Cloverleaf 5.6 simply put the global object in $HCIROOT/mda_global/tclprocs and run it to take care of the rest.

      Then if you do a manual diff of the current and backup copy of $HCIROOT/tclprocs/tclIndex to get the problematic entries you can add them back of make a separate static file of the problematic entries and modify the script to concatenate the back to $HCIROO/tclprocs/tclIndex each time the script is run.

      Here are what the problematic entries look like on Cloverleaf 5.6 I’m talking about; they are problematic because the objects arent in $HCIROOT/tclprocs and there isn’t a symbolic link in that directory to the objects.


      set auto_index(cljTPS) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(cljXLTStrings) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(cljXLTObjects) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(cljTrxid) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetStrings_grm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetStrings_xpm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetObjects_grm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetObjects_xpm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetString_grm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetString_xpm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetObject_grm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(Rm_GetObject_xpm) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(SpliceStacks) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(jtpsRun) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(jtpsStart) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(jtpsTime) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]
      set auto_index(jtrxidProcess) [list SourceFilter [file join $dir ../tcl/lib/tfc/cloverleafJava.tcl]]

      Russ Ross

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