Fileset FTP

  • Creator
  • #51453
    David Harrison

      Cloverleaf 5.6 rev2 on Solaris 10.


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    • Author
      • #70359
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi David,

          Two things you can check:

          * I think you need to specify the outbound directory and filename.

          * Can you reach the specified IP address through FTP from a prompt on the same machine? Maybe you have a problem with a firewall.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #70360
          David Harrison


            Thanks for the reply.

            I have tried putting in directory and filename but it doesn’t work. In fact I set it up as you suggested in one of your earlier postings.

            Yes, I can ftp from the command line but I can’t connect to anything using Fileset ftp. I can’t even connect to localhost.

            I’m sure I had this working some years ago on Cloverleaf 5.2 so I’m wondering if there’s a bug in the version I’m now using.



          • #70361
            Robert Kersemakers

              Ok. But configured like this it will only connect when a message is being written. So have you tried pushing a message through?

              And I’m not sure what the ‘numfile’ procedure is for; I guess for numbering the name of the file. I normally do this in TPS Outbound Data, but you may have another way of doing this. Could that have something to do with it?

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #70362
              Charlie Bursell

                It is because of the start-up proc you have defined.  I am sure you want that proc to be an tps_outbound procedure.

                The way stope oart-up procs work is when they are active it is as if the thread does not exist.  Once you are done you throw the “magic switch”, actually a Tcl command and then it as if the start-up proc does not exist.

                I am sure if you remove that proc your connection will work.

                I hope you are also aware, the way it is set up, the connection will be made only when a message is present and then disconnect after the message is sent

              • #70363
                David Harrison

                  I must have misunderstood the documentation. Or it may be that I was trying to get this working on New Year

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