Input Records Not Processed

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Input Records Not Processed

  • Creator
  • #51394
    Johnny Anderson

      CL v5.5, Sun, Solaris 10.

      I have an HRL with several FRL’s defined in the HRL. I have an input file of records that

      correspond to the FRL’s. After processing (xlate) the first set of input records that conform

      to the FRL’s in the HRL, no other records are processed. What do I need to do in order

      to process the entire file?

      Example input file:

      01—-records set 1—-   (processed)

      02—-records set 1—-   (processed)

      05—-records set 1—-   (processed)

      99—-records set 1—-   (processed)

      01—-records set 2—-   (not processed)

      02—-records set 2—-   (not processed)

      05—-records set 2—-   (not processed)

      99—-records set 2—-   (not processed)

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    • Author
      • #70091
        Robert Kersemakers

          What I did in this situation is write a tcl proc on the inbound message (the complete file) and then split this one message into several messages, which all conform to the HRL.

          So if you get input

          01—-records set 1—-

          02—-records set 1—-

          05—-records set 1—-

          99—-records set 1—-

          01—-records set 2—-

          02—-records set 2—-

          05—-records set 2—-

          99—-records set 2—-

          you will need to split this into two messages:

          01—-records set 1—-

          02—-records set 1—-

          05—-records set 1—-

          99—-records set 1—-

          01—-records set 2—-

          02—-records set 2—-

          05—-records set 2—-

          99—-records set 2—-

          After this, you can process/xlate each message.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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