SQLite Questions

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf SQLite Questions

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  • #51283
    Garrett Fletcher

      Hi Everyone,

      I need to script some information into a table from an interface, and read it later in another interface. I dont really want to pay for the Data Integrator product just for this one task. From what I have read here it looks like SQLite is the best way to go.

      I am trying to gather info on installing it on QDX 5.3. A lot of the threads say to call your support staff for help. My question is are they going to try to charge me for help setting up SQLite?



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      • #69518

        Garrett, is is pretty simple to install and use sqlite. I’ll include my notes for 5.6 below, but you should search the forum as there is tons of good info out there.

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #69519

        * Download tclsqlite for linux from here: http://www.sqlite.org/download.html

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #69520
        Garrett Fletcher

          Wow thanks that is great info. I will get started on this today and post again if I run into trouble.

          Thanks again!


        • #69521
          Garrett Fletcher

            Anyone know how to set up SQLite in Windows? I am trying to update my pkgIndex.tcl, but I have like 15 pkgIndex.tcl files. Which one do I update?



          • #69522
            Troy Morton

              Some of my colleagues here at Hospital Sisters have said that Healthvision will not support QDX Cloverleaf Integrator if it co-exists on the same server with another application such as a Database or Web-Server, etc.

              Can someone from Healthvision confirm/deny this?

              I have to believe that Max still has a support contract with Healthvision, so I’m curious where this idea may have come from.

              We currenlty use and external SQL database on a different server and connect to it with ODBC.

            • #69523
              Garrett Fletcher

                Update on my condition:

                I was trying to use the pkg_mkIndex command to create the tclIndex file, but it would keep ending my TCL session and not create the file.

                We are currnetly running TCL Ver 8.3. It turns out that SQLite is not compatable with TCL 8.3. We are going to have to upgrade to ver 8.4 or later in order for this to work.

                I will post again after we upgrade.


              • #69524
                Jim Kosloskey


                  First off I would not be concerned regarding support of Cloverleaf while using Sql-Lite.

                  Secondly, I would not count on Sql_lite replacing a full blown DB so I think ODBC is likely to remain in your future.

                  As to the connectivity issue, there are ways to detect if you are still connected and thus take remedial action if you are coded to expect a persistent DB connection via ODBC.

                  If you are coded to connect and dis-connect with each message then naturally you have the opportunity to detect connection issues with each message.

                  email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                • #69525
                  Troy Morton

                    Thanks Jim.

                    We do detect the connection loss and the thread goes into a ‘wait’ state until a reply is received from the Db.  An automated email is sent to our support when this happens, so we can find out what happened with the ODBC connection during business hours.


                  • #69526
                    Rob Abbott

                      Troy – we will support Cloverleaf.  

                      What we can’t do is certify/qualify Cloverleaf on the same server as every software package on the planet.  We recommend that Cloverleaf is installed on a standalone server.

                      If you’re having an issue with Cloverleaf and we find (through tech support) that Cloverleaf is having issues due to conflicts with another app on the server, that’s where we would ask that you de-install the app that is causing a conflict.  It doesn’t mean we won’t provide support.

                      If you have detailed questions like this about support that you need someone from HV to confirm, please contact Support either through email (techsupport@healthvision.com) or phone  1-469-420-2525.  These channels are better for “official” answers.

                      Rob Abbott
                      Cloverleaf Emeritus

                    • #69527
                      Troy Morton

                        Thanks for the clarification, Ron.  This makes perfect sense.


                      • #69528

                        Troy, SQLite actually comes bundled with Cloverleaf 5.7.  ðŸ˜€

                        -- Max Drown (Infor)

                      • #69529
                        Troy Morton


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