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Just curious if anyone out there has TCL or Shell scripts that automate the bouncing of processes and threads within a site.
I’m fond of this one. 😛
# Script: hcibounceprocess
# Author: Troy Morton and Max Drown
# Purpose: Quickly bounce a process and all its threads
# Usage: hcibounceprocess
# Check for correct usage
if [[ -z “$1” ]]
echo “Usage: hcibounceprocess ”
exit 2
echo “Preparing to bounce process “$1″ …”
# Make sure the process ($1) exists in this site
PROCESS=`hciprocstatus | grep “$1 ” | awk ‘{print $1}’`
if [[ “$PROCESS” != “$1” ]]
echo “The “$1″ process was not found in $HCISITE.”
echo “Script aborted.”
exit 2
# If the process was already down, just bring it up
STATE=`hciprocstatus | grep “$PROCESS ” | awk ‘{print $2}’`
if [[ “$STATE” = “dead” ]]
TRASH=`hcilmclear -p $PROCESS > /dev/null 2>&1`
echo “The “$PROCESS” process is $STATE. Bringing it up…”
TRASH=`hcienginerun -p $PROCESS > /dev/null 2>&1`
STATE=`hciprocstatus | grep “$PROCESS ” | awk ‘{print $2}’`
echo “$PROCESS is: $STATE”
echo “Script done.”
exit 1
# Get the names of threads in this process that are up
THREADS=`hciconnstatus -p $PROCESS | tail –lines=+3 | awk ‘{print $2}’`
MYTHREAD_STATUS=`hciconnstatus | grep ” $MYTHREAD ” | awk ‘{print $3}’`
if [[ “$MYTHREAD_STATUS” = “up” ]]
# Stop the process
echo “Bringing down the “$PROCESS” process…”
TRASH=`hcienginestop -p $PROCESS > /dev/null 2>&1`
sleep 5
TRASH=`hcilmclear -p $PROCESS > /dev/null 2>&1`
# Restart the process and all the threads that were up when it was stopped
echo “Starting the “$PROCESS” process and the following threads :”
if [[ -z “$THREADSUP” ]]
echo “NONE”
TRASH=`hcienginerun -p $PROCESS > /dev/null 2>&1`
TRASH=`hcienginerun -p $PROCESS -s “$THREADSUP” > /dev/null 2>&1`
sleep 5
STATE=`hciprocstatus | grep “$PROCESS ” | awk ‘{print $2}’`
echo “$PROCESS is: $STATE”
echo “Script done.”
# End of Script
-- Max Drown (Infor)
I figured you might still have that one. Would it be much trouble for you to send me copies of all those handy scripts we created?
-- Max Drown (Infor)
We have defined some functions in our Cloverleaf user account “hci” and “hcitest” to perform some of these tasks more easily with less typing.
We use the .profile.local.end file to store these functions. You then invoke them at the shell command line.
Here are some samples to cycle a process; stop/start a thread; and do a purge cache of a process. Hopefully they will prove useful.
function cycle {
if -z $1 ; then
echo “Syntax: cycle “;return
if grep $1) ; then
echo “$1 process not found”;return
hcienginestop -p $1
sleep 1
hcienginerun -p $1
echo “cycle $1 complete”
function purge {
if -z $1 ; then
echo “Syntax: purge “;return
if grep $1) ; then
echo “Process ($1) not found”;return
hcicmd -p $1 -c ‘ . purgex’
echo “purge $1 complete”
function bounce {
if -z $1 ; then
echo “Syntax: bounce “;return
PROCESS=$(hciconnstatus|awk ‘$2 == Thread {print $1}’ Thread=$1)
if -z $PROCESS ; then
echo “Thread ($1) not found”;return
hcicmd -p $PROCESS -c “$1 pstop”
sleep 1
hcicmd -p $PROCESS -c “$1 pstart”
echo “bounce $1 complete”
Hi Bob,
We use tcsh here so we have .cshrc.local.end
Is there a way to use your functions with tcsh?
Greetings Michael,
I take it that you are running on Linux? We run on AIX5.3 and use ksh shell. In poking around the web, it appears that the C shell (csh) emulates the C programming language. You would think that something like a function (or subroutine) could be invoked from a C shell?
Alas, I did not find any useful web links out there but then my search lasted only a half hour.
Does anyone on this Forum work with the C shell who could help out Michael?
May the silicon gods be merciful in your quest…
I would suggest getting the O’Reilly book UNIX in a Nutshell. This book describes some of the differences between the different shells.
If nothing else, you can copy the code and place it in a commonly acessible place like /usr/local/bin so that it could be executed from any location on the server.
Thanks Bob.
I am on AIX.
Back in 1996 when I witnessed my first Cloverleaf install by Greg Wood,
I saw that he used tcsh. I think the hcispt1 account still uses it.
So I’ve used it ever since.
I love it because of the completion and /
Anyhow, maybe I can get my Unix Admins to convert the scripts. Unfortunately it’s gonna cost me.
You should be able to run any script from any shell by adding the appropriate header. In this case, the header might be “#!/bin/csh”? Do a which “csh” from your command line.
-- Max Drown (Infor)
Right, I could put those commands into a ksh script and exec it that way.
I liked the idea that I could do that as part of .cshrc.local.end
Right, I could put those commands into a ksh script and exec it that way.
I liked the idea that I could do that as part of .cshrc.local.end
You can write your own versions of the functions for tcsh and then put them into .tcshrc.local.end (or whatever file you want). This file is sourced (. .profile.local.end) by .profile when the hci user logs in.
I use the bash shell. Here are some example bash functions that I have in .profile.local.end:
function cdr () { cd $HCIROOT/$1; }
function cds () { cd $HCISITEDIR/$1; }
It’s just a matter of looking up the function syntax for .tcsh.
-- Max Drown (Infor)
here’s a nice shell script I got from Jerry. I modified it a bit.
export CL_INSTALL_DIR=/hci/quovadx/qdx5.6
eval `${CL_INSTALL_DIR}/integrator/sbin/hcisetenv -root ksh ${CL_INSTALL_DIR}/integrator $1`
if [ $4 = “stop” ]
echo `hcicmd -p $2 -c “$3 pstop”`
sleep 1
elif [ $4 = “start” ]
echo `hcicmd -p $2 -c “$3 pstart”`
sleep 1
elif [ $4 = “hold” ]
echo `hcicmd -p $2 -c “$3 phold_obd”`
sleep 1
elif [ $4 = “release” ]
echo `hcicmd -p $2 -c “$3 prls_obd”`
sleep 1
echo “Usage: threadctl.tcl ”
-- Max Drown (Infor)