XLT If Statement Conditions

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  • Creator
  • #51069
    Susan Ferraz

      I need to add an IF statement on the top of my XLT to filter messages that have certain Zip code.

      For instance, IF ZipCode in (02109,02129,02108,02118,etc…)

      I checked the document and the syntax in the If statement should be the following:

      IF (ZipCode == =A||ZipCode == =B)

      However, because the message is in XML the field name is very long, see example below:


      and I’m supposed to add a very long list of zip codes to the condition.

      Is there a better way to write the syntax of this condition?

      something like for instance:

      ZipCode == =(02109,02129,02108,02118,etc…)

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    • Author
      • #68670
        Tom Rioux

          Depending on how many zip codes you have why not try the following

          1.  Put your zip codes that you want to filter out in a table with a IN value of the zip code and the OUT value as “KILL”

          2.  Have the Table copy statement take the inbound field and copy to a variable name like “@zipped” after translation.

          3.  Then have an IF statement that checks the value of your variable.  If the value is equal to KILL then suppress the message


          TABLE    ->  @zipped

          COPY  IF @zipped eq =KILL


          Hope this helps


        • #68671
          Susan Ferraz

            Hi Tom,

            I have a long list of zip codes so what you suggested will work for me.

            Thank you so much for your response.


          • #68672
            Tom Rioux

              If you have the zip codes in a spreadsheet, then you can create a 2 column spreadsheet.  The first column has the zip’s and the second column has “KILL” or “SUPPRESS” or whatever.  Save your file as a .csv file.

              If you search on here someone has posted a tcl proc that creates tables from .csv files.  

              Hope this helps…

              Tom Rioux

            • #68673
              Russ Ross

                Here is a clovertech post

                <a href="https://usspvlclovertch2.infor.com/viewtopic.php?t=1578&&#8221; class=”bbcode_url”>https://usspvlclovertch2.infor.com/viewtopic.php?t=1578&amp;

                that illustrates something similar where I used tps_msg_action to KILL or CONTINUE messages based on what I defined in my lookup table.

                Russ Ross

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