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for example mrn. The handle is set further up in the proc.
set select_call [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $select SQL_NTS]
echo select_call $select_call
set select_result [odbc SQLGetCursorName $hstmt cursorName 20 pcbcursor]
echo select_result $select_result
echo cur $cursorName
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_SLONG mrn 12 pcbValue1
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 2 SQL_C_SLONG fin 0 pcbValue2
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 3 SQL_C_CHAR lname 50 pcbValue3
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 4 SQL_C_CHAR fname 50 pcbValue4
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 5 SQL_C_SLONG dob 0 pcbValue5
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 6 SQL_C_CHAR sex 50 pcbValue6
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 7 SQL_C_SLONG ssn 0 pcbValue7
select mrn from
Then bind to the one field to make sure you get what you expect for that data element.
set mrn [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_SLONG mrn 12 pcbValue1 ]
echo $mrn
Should work for you
it echoed out “SQL_SUCCESS” instead of a value. Is that what is should do?
Sorry I knew that. Just got ahead of myself. You can take the set mrn out, but you might want to use it as an error routine.
Now you need to fetch the data
set rVal [odbc SQLFetch $hstmt]
I always check the return val from about for “SQL_SUCCESS.
In you case, echo rVal should be the mrn.
still returns “SQL_SUCCESS”
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_CHAR mrn 64 Len
set err [odbc SQLFetch $hstm]
echo “$err”
this should be SQL_SUCCESS if not then you should have an error handler
echo “mrn: $mrn”
should be your value.
I think you still need to specify the variable where you want the result of the fetch to go on the bind statement:
set err[odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_SLONG mrn 12 pcbValue1 ]
echo $err
At this point you have bound the variable mrn to the resultset that the sqlfetch will return. The err variable is the return from ODBC for the success/failure/etc of the bind. It is a good idea to check this result because if you do not bind, you won’t get a result.
Then the fetch can also return a success/fail return code but after the fetch any columns you have bound will be in their respective variable (mrn in the example).
set err[odbc SQLFetch $hstmt]
$err will have ‘SQL_SUCCESS’ or whatever value is returned for the execution of the fetch command that tells you if that worked or not. Check the Microsoft technical library for all of the possible return values from an sqlfetch and account for them appropriately.
If you got the success then (given the example) the variable $mrn should have the value of the currently returned column that mrn was bound to for the tuple returned.
All of the above is more than I want to do inside my Tcl – that is a big reason we invoke Stored Procedures – let the DB/Application people fool with that nonsense.
Of course, given I don’t do much of the Sql stuff anymoer – what I have described above is my recollection and is not based on what I currently do.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_SLONG mrn 12 pcbValue1
i replaced the last three variables in this line with the last two in yours and it works now
thank you
and i may have more questions later just a heads up
Also, don’t assume everything works all the time. Always
check your odbc command return values for
I am getting the same problem and when it is does the set out … it gives the error ‘can’t read “insertdatetime”: no such variable”. This occurs when ‘set out …’ is executed.
Please advice…
package require odbc
set usr pcis
set pass bada#bing01
set dsn “SQL Cloverleaf Query”
echo [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV SQL_NULL_HANDLE henv]
# Set the most current ODBC version (3.0)
echo [odbc SQLSetEnvAttr $henv SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION SQL_OV_ODBC3 0]
# Allocate connection handle
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $henv hdbc]
# Make a connection
set err [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr SQL_NTS $pass SQL_NTS]
#If connection failed… will attempt to connect 3 times (5sec sleep between each retry)
set retries 3
set sleep_int 5
while {$retries && [cequal $err SQL_ERROR]} {
sleep $sleep_int
# Make a connection
set err [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr SQL_NTS $pass SQL_NTS]
incr retries -1
catch {odbc SQLFreeStmt $hstmt SQL_DROP}
set err [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt]
# build SQL statement
set select “SELECT top 5 * FROM labresult where attendingdoctoridnumber = ‘997’ and chartnumber = ‘2363434’”
# Prepare & Execute – SQL statement
set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $select SQL_NTS]
echo test 1
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_CHAR alternatecode 255 len]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 2 SQL_C_CHAR chartnumber 255 len]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 3 SQL_C_CHAR visitid 255 len]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 4 SQL_C_LONG insertdatetime 255 len]
echo bind1 [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 5 SQL_C_CHAR AttendingDoctorIDNumber 255 len)]
echo test 2
set i 0
echo test 3
set err [odbc SQLFetch $hstmt]
echo test 4
while {$err == “SQL_SUCCESS” || $err == “SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO”} {
incr i
echo test 5
set out “”
set out “$alternatecode|$chartnumber|$visitid|$insertdatetime|$AttendingDoctorIDNumber”
echo $i = $outn
# Build a new message for each row retrieved
#set new_mh [msgcreate -class engine -type data $out]
#lappend dispList “CONTINUE $new_mh”
# Retrieve data from bound columns and advance to the next row of data
set err [odbc SQLFetch $hstmt]
# Terminate connection/statement handle
catch {odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc}
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $hdbc}
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV $henv}
I am guessing your fetch is not populating that variable and since I do not se it being set prior to the fetch that variable does not exist when you are trying to use it.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.
Would it be ok to give me a call and review this with me and see where I am missing the boat…
My number is 1-559-738-7500 x5648
Here’s my script that works. Got this from Goutham and modded it a bit.
package require odbc
set usr sa
set pass
set dsn test_dev
puts [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV SQL_NULL_HANDLE henv]
puts [odbc SQLSetEnvAttr $henv SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION SQL_OV_ODBC3 0]
puts [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $henv hdbc]
set retries 3
set sleep_int 5
set err [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr SQL_NTS $pass SQL_NTS]
while {$retries && [cequal $err SQL_ERROR]} {
sleep $sleep_int
puts [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $usr SQL_NTS $pass SQL_NTS]
incr retries -1
catch {odbc SQLFreeStmt $hstmt SQL_DROP}
puts [odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hdbc hstmt]
set sql “select * from MedHistText.dbo.tblTest01”
puts “SQL: $sql”
puts [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $sql SQL_NTS]
puts [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 1 SQL_C_CHAR id 255 255]
puts [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 2 SQL_C_CHAR name 255 255]
puts [odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt 3 SQL_C_CHAR nickname 255 255]
set i 0
set err [odbc SQLFetch $hstmt]
while {$err == “SQL_SUCCESS” || $err == “SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO”} {
incr i
puts [format “%02s” $i]|$name|$nickname|$id
set err [odbc SQLFetch $hstmt]
catch {odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc}
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $hdbc}
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV $henv}
-- Max Drown (Infor)
Whenever its possible to select no rows in your fetch you have to initialize all your bound variables first.
The SQLBindCol function will associate a column with a variable name but if the data set resulting from your SQL fetch is empty (or you don’t actually call SQLFetch) then the bound variables won’t get set in the fetch. In other words, if there’s nothing to fetch then the fetch does nothing.
hopefully this helps
The database elements can either have a normal value, be empty, or be NULLNULL
Ideally, it would be nice if we could simply check for NULL
Has anyone run into this before? If so, how did you handle the NULL
-- Max Drown (Infor)
Using Data Integrator, we only invoke Stored Procedures. We require the Stored Procedure to return null entities as empty strings so the work is done in the Stored procedure.
This falls in line with our philosophy that such activity is a part of the Business Rules and thoe belong outside of the engine.
However, I seem to recall in my very distant past that there is a way using SQL statements to verify if a column of a recordset is null (or not null). This would require knowledge of the DB schema (what columns are configured to allow nulls) as well as a concious execition of SQl (not Tcl) to determine the truth of the ‘nullness’ of the column that populated the Tcl variable.
Again the above to us are business rules that belong with the application
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.
The fetch doesn’t set the variable if the value is null, so you could initialize the variable to the word NULL (set string NULL), then your string comparison against NULL would work. However, it’s possible that you have the word NULL stored in your database.
Another option is to unset your variable first (unset string) and then check to see if the variable exists after the fetch (if { [info exists string] }).
Other database API’s that I’ve worked with have a feature called a “null indicator” that you can check to see if a field is NULL. I looked for this in TCL a few weeks ago but couldn’t find anything.
Ron came up with a good solution, too. Here is the code fragment for future reference.
# Bind columns for results
set cnt 0
while { $cnt < $num_results } {
incr cnt
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt $cnt SQL_C_CHAR data($cnt) 50000 SQL_NTS
odbc SQLBindCol $hstmt $cnt SQL_C_CHAR data($cnt) 50000 pcb$cnt
# Fetch the results
set results {}
while {[odbc SQLFetch $hstmt] eq "SQL_SUCCESS"} {
foreach id [lsort -integer [array names data]] {
# check the returned length variable – will tell us if value is null
set pcbValue [subst $[subst pcb$id]]
if {$pcbValue == "SQL_NULL_DATA"} {
lappend results {}
} else {
lappend results $data($id)
-- Max Drown (Infor)