[prod:prod:INFO/0: STARTUP_TID] Copyright 1993-2007, Quovadx Inc.
[prod:prod:INFO/0: STARTUP_TID] QDX(TM) Integration Services 5.3P Rev5
[prod:prod:INFO/0: STARTUP_TID] Linked by Administrator on swatch at Mon Apr 23 15:34:29 2007 in C:/cloverrel/cloverleaf/engine/main (build 143)
[prod:prod:INFO/0: STARTUP_TID] Started at Sun Jun 14 15:07:29 2009
[prod:prod:INFO/0: STARTUP_TID] Engine process is 4404 on host DTHRECGHL7
[prod:prod:INFO/1: muse_IB_cmd] Msg space limit is 100
[prod:prod:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] DiskQue Minimum # of Messages/que: 50
[prod:prod:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] DiskQue Virtual Memory percent:75.000000
[prod:prod:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Applying EO config: ‘muse_IB_eo’
[msi :msi :INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Attaching to shared memory statistics region
[xlt :thre:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Starting translation thread muse_IB_xlate.
[xlt :thre:INFO/0:muse_IB_xlate] Starting translation thread muse_IB_xlate in tid 1.
[prod:prod:INFO/0:muse_IB_xlate] Applying EO config: ”
[msi :msi :INFO/0:muse_IB_xlate] Initializing statistics section for: muse_IB_xlate
[xlt :thre:INFO/0:muse_IB_xlate] Performing database recovery
[xlt :thre:INFO/0:muse_IB_xlate] Database recovery complete
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Thread names are:
muse_order his_IB_MUSE muse_adt
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Force starts are:
[is :Sche:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] THREAD NAME = muse_order
[is :Sche:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Nothing to be SCHEDULEd for this thread.
[is :Sche:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] THREAD NAME = his_IB_MUSE
[is :Sche:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Nothing to be SCHEDULEd for this thread.
[is :Sche:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] THREAD NAME = muse_adt
[is :Sche:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Nothing to be SCHEDULEd for this thread.
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Thread muse_order auto-started.
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Starting protocol thread muse_order.
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Inbound msgs will be written to recovery db
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Inbound msgs saved to file MUSE_ORM_ACK
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Outbound msgs saved to file MUSE_ORM_MSG
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Default inbound msgs priority is 5120
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] No IB msg-based EO config
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] # of OB DATA retries is -1
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] # of OB REPLY retries is -1
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Await replies is ON
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Reply timeout is 45 seconds
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Reply generation is ON
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Generate reply via TPS
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] muse_order is a CLOVERLEAF thread
[prod:prod:INFO/0: muse_order] Applying EO config: ”
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Performing database recovery
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_order] Database recovery complete
[pd :pdtd:INFO/0: muse_order] Initializing Protocol Driver
[pdl :open:INFO/0: muse_order] Loading PDL driver ‘mlp_tcp.pdl’
[pdl :PDL :INFO/0: muse_order] connected to on port 9551
[pdl :PDL :INFO/0: muse_order] tcp-client: connect error (WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] SMS Initializing the SMS module for muse_order
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] Initialize the IB data SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] Initialize the IB reply SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] Initialize the OB data SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] Initialize the OB reply SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: muse_order] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[pd :pdtd:INFO/0: muse_order] Throwing startup control switches
[pd :pdtd:INFO/0: muse_order] Throwing OB post-SMS dequeue switch
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Thread his_IB_MUSE auto-started.
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Starting protocol thread his_IB_MUSE.
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Inbound msgs will be written to recovery db
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Inbound msgs saved to file muse_IB_raw
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] No outbound msg saving
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Default inbound msgs priority is 5120
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] No IB msg-based EO config
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] # of OB DATA retries is -1
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] # of OB REPLY retries is -1
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Await replies is OFF
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Reply timeout is -1 seconds
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Reply generation is OFF
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] his_IB_MUSE is a CLOVERLEAF thread
[prod:prod:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Applying EO config: ”
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Performing database recovery
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Database recovery complete
[pd :pdtd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Initializing Protocol Driver
[pdl :open:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Loading PDL driver ‘mlp_tcp.pdl’
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] SMS Initializing the SMS module for his_IB_MUSE
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Initialize the IB data SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Initialize the IB reply SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Initialize the OB data SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Initialize the OB reply SMS stack
[sms :sms :INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] [midNULL] Driver processing msg
[pd :pdtd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Throwing startup control switches
[pd :pdtd:INFO/0: his_IB_MUSE] Throwing OB post-SMS dequeue switch
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Thread muse_adt auto-started.
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_IB_cmd] Starting protocol thread muse_adt.
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Inbound msgs will be written to recovery db
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Inbound msgs saved to file MUSE_ADT_ACK
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Outbound msgs saved to file MUSE_ADT_MSG
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Default inbound msgs priority is 5120
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] No IB msg-based EO config
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] # of OB DATA retries is -1
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] # of OB REPLY retries is -1
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Await replies is ON
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Reply timeout is 45 seconds
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Reply generation is ON
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Generate reply via TPS
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] muse_adt is a CLOVERLEAF thread
[prod:prod:INFO/0: muse_adt] Applying EO config: ”
[pd :thrd:INFO/0: muse_adt] Performing database recovery
[dbi :elog:INFO/0: muse_adt] [0.0.1653407] Write message to error database, state 201
06/14/2009 15:07:31
[dbi :dbi :ERR /0: muse_adt] [0.0.1653407] dbiWriteLogMsg: mid exists
06/14/2009 15:07:31
[dbi :rlog:ERR /0: muse_adt] [0.0.1653407] Write of msg to err db failed
06/14/2009 15:07:31
[dbi :dbi :ERR /0: muse_adt] Db_Vista database error -46: ‘PROGRAMMER/USER error: -46
no current record type
C errno = 0: No error’
06/14/2009 15:07:31
[pti :sign:WARN/0: muse_adt] Thread 4 received signal EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION:
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
06/14/2009 15:07:31
[pti :sign:WARN/0: muse_adt] PC = 0xffffffff
[pti :thre:INFO/0: muse_adt] Thread 4 was told to shutdown
[msi :msi :INFO/0: muse_adt] Updating shared memory to mark threads as dead.
PANIC: “0”
PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread muse_IB_cmd
Thanks for your time.