hcimsiutil and Proto Status

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  • Creator
  • #50848

    What are all of the possible values for the Proto Status returned from “hcimsiutil -dd threadName” ?

    I found this in some other posts, but I’m pretty sure that list is not complete:


    # hcimsiutil “Proto Status”:


    #    0 = thread is dead

    #    1 = thread is opening

    #    2 = thread is up

    #    3 = thread is down

    -- Max Drown (Infor)

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  • Author
    • #67753
      Jim Kosloskey


        I think that is pretty much all I recall.

        I don’t think Held and Forwarded are reported in the Proto Status.

        email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

      • #67754
        Keith McLeod

          FYI… That command is one of the few ways to determine if the thread is on HOLD.  At least in the older versions.  It sets a flag with a x1 I believe when on HOLD.  I think it is Proto Flags that shows this…..

        • #67755
          Jim Kosloskey


            That is good to know.

            When I get some time I intend to test that on 5.6.

            We do not use Hold in Production but it would be good to know that condition can be recognized outside the NetMonitor GUI.

            email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #67756
            Russ Ross


              I was curious myself about what would happen if running the following commands in our cloverleaf 5.6 environment for thread name dump_xcelera_adt.

                  hcimsiutil -dd dump_xcelera_adt | egrep “Proto Status|Proto Flags”

              By chance this is a fileset-local thread that dumps to a file which when not on hold has

                  Proto Status  : 6

                  Proto Flags   : 0

              when the thread is placed on hold has

                  Proto Status  : 6

                  Proto Flags   : 0x1

              which is usefull to know plus also shows an additional possible return value for Proto Status which can be also include

                  Proto Status  : 6 = ineof

              Since ineof returns a value of 6, I would not be surprised if values of 4 and 5 are possible but I don’t know what there meaning might be.

              Russ Ross

            • #67757
              Rob Abbott

                Here is the mapping:

                INITIALIZING = 0

                OPENING = 1

                UP = 2

                DOWN = 3

                CLOSING= 4

                ERROR = 5

                INEOF = 6

                TIMER = 7

                CLOSING is defined as a status but not sure it is actually used anywhere.

                Rob Abbott
                Cloverleaf Emeritus

              • #67758
                Jim Kosloskey


                  Where would one find those values documented?

                  email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #67759
                  Rob Abbott

                    For now, right here 😉

                    I will submit a doc enhancement so this gets added.

                    Rob Abbott
                    Cloverleaf Emeritus

                  • #67760

                    Rob, I suggest adding some documentation on all of the output from hcimsiutil.

                    -- Max Drown (Infor)

                  • #67761
                    Richard Hart

                      We are running 5.6 for some sites and if you use ‘msiGetStatSample’ and extract PFLAGS, a value of ‘1’ is a thread on hold.

                      We created a ‘status’ command and …

                      Process         Connection                          State Proto Status Count  Started            


                      he00387_ws      GetAttachment                 up    hold        0      04/05/09 12:02:19  

                      he00387_ws      GetMin                              up    up           0      04/05/09 12:02:18

                      Process         Connection                          State Proto Status Count  Started            


                      he00387_ws      GetAttachment                 up    opening     0      04/05/09 12:02:19  

                      he00387_ws      GetMin                              up    up              0      04/05/09 12:02:18

                    • #67762
                      Chris Williams

                        In which version did PFLAGS get added to the msiGetStatSample output?

                      • #67763
                        David Teh

                          If I may hijack the thread….

                          “hcimsiutil -dt” gives:

                          “Obs Alive Init Lock Thread name”

                          ‘Alive’ should refer to UP (1), DOWN (0).

                          But what’s Obs, Init and Lock?

                          Additionally, what do you guys rely on to see if the thread is dead. The ‘Alive’ value in “hcimsiutil -dt” or anywhere else?


                        • #67764
                          David Teh

                            One more question, state ‘0’ is suppsoed to be DEAD or INITIALIZING?

                            I’ve found for DEAD threads using the fileset-Local protocol, it is ‘0’.

                            For those DEAD threads using MLLP protocol, it is ‘3’. Why?

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