We have an ADT interface to CBORD and what I saw on your original post did not look right to me so I did a TCP/IP trace to confirm what I suspect is the case were I work.
I immediately got suspicous when you said the message ended in
0D 0A + encapsulation of 1C 0D
The 0A (new line character) is an extra character that often appears on a windows platform but is incorrect according to my understanding and I know from experience that spurious new line characters cause some interfaces a problem.
The HL7 standard I believe says to terminate each segment with 0D (carriage return character) but the 0A (new line character) is spurious and undesirable in a standard real-time mlp-pdl interface according to what I believe.
What I believe to be correct is as follows
HL7 message with segments terminated with carriage return character (0D) and no new line character (0A)
Personally I would consider what you described
1B HL7_message 0D 0A 1C 0D
to be inncorrect and I would make it to be
1B HL7_message 0D 1C 0D
Russ Ross