Regular Expression Help

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  • Creator
  • #50712
    Alka Sharma

      Hi Everyone,

      I am looking for some help to pattern match a string and extract accession number from a HL7 message.

      My message looks like this:



      PV1||O|IC2^IC2^^UCHC||||008033^MANGER MD^THOMAS M^|008320^MENOUTIS MD^JOHN|^^|ORA|||||N^N^U||008033^MANGER MD^THOMAS M^||000000014701||||||||||||||||||||UCHC|

      OBR||00001               ^001            |100114|ULT4280033 ^US ABDOMEN COMPLETE             |||200903101042|||DMC|||||^^^ |008033^THOMAS M MANGER MD||||||200903111204|||||1^^^^^R^^ROUTINE|||||999991&DEFAULT&DOCTOR&&&|

      NTE|||Test change prelim then final

      OBX|1|TX|ULT0033GDT||ULTRASOUND REPORT~***Final Report***~~ULT 0033 – US ABDOMEN COMPLETE  (A#:100114,03/10/2009)~INDICATIONS:  Test change prelim then final~~RESULT:  ~The liver is normal in size and echogenicity.

      I am searching for (A#: and the next set of numbers before the comma is the accession number that I need to pull out.

      This is what I have so far:

      set msgHeader [string range $msg 0 8]

      set msgTail [string range $msg 9 end]

      regexp {[(A#:]} $msgTail match x

      echo “Accession” $x



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    • Author
      • #67210

        Try this:

        set var “US ABDOMEN COMPLETE [code]set var “US ABDOMEN COMPLETE

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #67211
        Alka Sharma

          Thanks! It worked but Can you explain the expression



        • #67212

          alka sharma wrote:

          Thanks! It worked but Can you explain the expression



          Sure! The parens capture the match. The d means match on a digit (number). The + means 1 or more. And the ? means make the match non-greedy. Basically, the ? means to match up to the first comma found and then stop. And the comma is a literal comma. I used the “(A#” and the “,” as the “book ends” for the regexp match.

          -- Max Drown (Infor)

        • #67213
          Grady Stephens


            set q [ regexp {(.*(A#:)([0-9]*)(,.*)} $p match1 match2 match3 match4]
            echo $match3

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