Then I noticed that the A08’s were working fine but the A04’s and A31’s weren’t. The layout up to those segments are pretty much the same in this variant for all 3 messages. So, if I use an A08 as my message format for my xlate, I was safe to assume that it should be working properly. However, finally I went to take a look at the structure defined in the variant for each type of message. Here is what I found:
The A08 group was set up as below with the corresponding layout in the xlate:
[ Layout in xlate: 1(0).0(0)….
{ 1(0).0(1)…and so on
The A04 group was set up as below with the corresponding layout in the xlate:
{ Layout in xlate: 1(0).0(0)….
[ 1(1).0(0)…and so on
Can someone explain to me why whether the curly brace or the bracket came first made such a difference in the way the xlate translated the message?
Tom Rioux
Baylor Health Care System