Remove (Parentheses) from HL7 using Tcl

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Tcl Library Remove (Parentheses) from HL7 using Tcl

  • Creator
  • #50396
    Bill Tipton


      I’m new to Tcl

      I need help in trying to remove (???) the parentheses within an HL7

      message using Tcl code.  Does someone have a quick and easy way to do that?   😕

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    • Author
      • #65949

        Bill, can your provide a little more detail including some examples?

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #65950
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Bill,

          If you mean you want to replace the active Null “” with nothing, then try this:


          regsub -all “” $msg “” msg

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #65951
          Jim Kosloskey


            Pre Cloverleaf(R) 5.7 I don’t think that will work as the field’s datatype attribute needs to be changed as well.

            I think in Cloverleaf(R) 5.7 they have made this much easier to do.

            email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

          • #65952
            Tom Rioux

              If you are truly looking to remove the left paren “(” and the right paren “)” then you may have to do this in separate regsub statements.  I assume you are wanting to leave any part of the text that is between the parenthesis and leave it blank where the parenthesis was.  Try this:

              Lets say the text is:

              Long term (current) use of medications.

              You will need to double escape the parenthesis in order to replace them:

              hcitcl>set text “Long-term (current) use of medications”

              Long-term (current) use of medications

              hcitcl>regsub -all \( $text “” newtext


              hcitcl>regsub -all \) $newtext “” newtext


              hcitcl>echo $newtext

              Long-term current use of medications

              Hope this helps….

              Tom Rioux

            • #65953
              Bill Marsch

                Here is a tcl that you can pass a field to it and remove the left and right parens from and replace them using the “string map” command:


                # Name: tpsremoveparen

                # Purpose:

                # UPoC type: xltp

                # Args: none

                # Notes: All data is presented through special variables.  The initial

                # upvar in this proc provides access to the required variables.  

                # The expected InVal is a field to remove left and right parens


                # This proc style only works when called from a code fragment

                # within an XLT.  


                proc tpsremoveparen {} {

                   upvar xlateId       xlateId

                 xlateInList   xlateInList

                 xlateInTypes  xlateInTypes

                 xlateInVals   xlateInVals

                 xlateOutList  xlateOutList

                 xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes

                 xlateOutVals  xlateOutVals

                   set fld1 [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

                       if { [clength $fld1] > 2 } {

                           set y [string map {( “” ) “”} $fld1]


                #echo n “range is ” $y

                   set xlateOutVals “$y”



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