hl7 format A to format B xlt failing

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  • Creator
  • #50394
    Jayne Stutz

    I’m trying to do what I consider a simple xlt.  I have a HL7 ORU message, that I need to turn into a HL7 DFT message.  I created my own variant, called mt_dft.  I can map the translation just fine.  I even used the test tool to validate the inbound message structure and it was fine.

    But when I test the xlt, all I get are 2 of the 4 segments.  I get “The # 1 segment encountered ‘EVN’ is not defined for message type ‘ORU_R01’.  Segment ignored.

    The # 3 segment encountered ‘FT1’ is not defined for message type ‘ORU_R01’.  Segment ignored.

    I know the EVN and FT1 are not segments in the ORU message.  They are segments in the DFT message, my outbound.  Why can I not map this data from the ORU to the DFT?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

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  • Author
    • #65944
      Robert Milfajt

      There does not seem to be enough information here.  Can you include copies of the Xlate and message definitions from the new variant you created?

      Robert Milfajt
      Northwestern Medicine
      Chicago, IL

    • #65945
      Tom Rioux

      You aren’t by chance using a bulkcopy in this xlate are you?

    • #65946
      Jayne Stutz

      I’m using the standard HL7 2.3 ORU message as the source.  My destination needs to have the EVN and FT1 segments, so I’m using the DFT message layout.

      I’m doing a pathcopy for the MSH and PID segments.  No problem with them.

      I’m then doing straight copies from fields in the ORU to the EVN and FT1 fields.  For example, OBR-7 to FT1-4, and OBR-3 to FT1-7.  

      I thought this was simple and straight forward.  What I don’t understand is the error about segment encountered ‘EVN’ or ‘FT1’ is not defined for message type ‘ORU_R01’.  Segment ignored.  I know these segments are not part of the ORU.  I’m creating a DFT, and they are part of it.

      What am I missing here?  Thanks.

    • #65947
      Robert Kersemakers

      Hi Jayne!

      If you do a pathcopy of the MSH segment, you will copy ‘ORU^R01’ as message type (MSH-9) into your outbound message. Based on this, Cloverleaf will see the message as an ORU and will give you these errors.

      You will need to change the message type in the outbound message, after your pathcopy of MSH.

      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

    • #65948
      Jayne Stutz

      That was it!  I knew it had to be something simple/stupid I was missing.  Thank you so much, Robert.

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