Edit message from error database

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  • Creator
  • #50375
    Gary Atkinson


      What you all use to edit a message that has been dumped from the error database?  What I have done before is ftp the message out to my pc edit and then ftp back.  That works, but I would like to find out a way to do it directly on the server.  The message is the error database, after not receiving an ack, so I need to fix the message(per vendor request), then resend.

      We are on AIX os.



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    • Author
      • #65841

        > vi fileName

        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #65842
        Gary Atkinson

          I change the file in vi, but the message is just one continuous line. I can see the ^M at the end of segment though.  I ran the file through the tester tool (len10), but it complains of “read 420 characters but expected 424”.  I ran the file through tester (eof) and (newline), but it complains of “HL7 message does not begin with MSH segment”.   I originally saved the file as length-encoded.  Sorry to sound dense, but I still learning unix 😳

          Ahhh, it’s missing the start and end characters, how do I add those? 😕

          Here is the msg:



          L^PRECISION^^JR||19800119|M| |5|1215 CHAOS COURT^^HALETHORPE^MD^21227^US^C^^03|0




        • #65843
          Michael Lacriola

            We use vim, an offshoot of vi. It works better on very long messages like transcriptions.

            For pc type stuff, pspad. An awesome tool.

          • #65844

            Gary, read through this thread and try out the scripts. They’ll be very helpful to you.


            -- Max Drown (Infor)

          • #65845
            Tim Gobbel

              What about finding the message in SMAT and using the editor there and then select it and resend from SMAT?  Thanx!

            • #65846
              Chris Williams


                Save your message as newline terminated instead of len10 if you want to edit and resend. Alternatively, you can make it into newline while in your editor by deleting the 10 digits at the beginning, and vi will append the newline at the end of the message when you save it.

              • #65847
                Gary Atkinson

                  I should have a message in the error database shortly, I’ll try the newline approach. Thanks!

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