This Stored Procedure populates an OUTPUT parameter I have bound prior to invocation.
When my call to the Stored Procedure is completed, I need to check the value placed by the Stored Procedure in the bound parameter.
The Stored Procedure is working but I am getting nonsense in the parameter after execution.
Has anyone out there done this successfully?
I supsect I am missing something. The Microsoft site indicates one must exhaust the resultset from a Stored Procedure before OUPUT parms are available, but this Stored Procedure does not return any resultset by design.
If the Microsoft site is correct, I suspect that means I need to do a SELECT but I do not know nor do I care what the name of the Table is and the SELECT requires a Table name (this is a reusable proc and if I don’t need to get the Table name I prefer not to do that).
Anyone have any insight?
Jim Kosloskey
email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.