Tcl to calculate date/time difference

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Tcl to calculate date/time difference

  • Creator
  • #50114
    Rentian Huang

      Greetings Cloverleafers!!!

      I am trying to get the time length between two date/time. Ie. 200806131300 and 200806162359, the result is 3 days 10 hours and 59 min. I tried to do it via the MATH action in Xlate but it did not work.

      Anyone have a handy tcl to it?

      Thanks in advance!

      Sam   8)

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    • Author
      • #64932
        Glenn Friedenreich

          Use the tcl clock command.  (Do the math with the output of clock scan, and covert back to readable format with clock format.)


          – Glenn

        • #64933
          John Mercogliano


            John Mercogliano
            Sentara Healthcare
            Hampton Roads, VA

          • #64934
            Russ Ross

              Here is a tangible example that might be similar enough to help you get going.

              In this esample, I kill a message if the time stamp (TS) stored in AIL-6 of a SIU scheduling message is older than 6 hours when it hits cloverleaf.

              The URL to the entire trxid proc can be found at

    ” class=”bbcode_url”>

              Here is the code snippet from ( trxid_SIU_rxtfc.tcl ) that illustrates how I call the proc ( oth_chk_time_span.tcl ) that does the acutal work of figuring out the time difference:


              Russ Ross

            • #64935
              Rentian Huang

                Waw, thanks for all your helps and input, it’s helpful, I will take some time to investigate them.

                Good day!


              • #64936
                Keith McLeod

                  How about something like this:

                  set timediff [expr [clock scan “20080616T235900”]-[clock scan “20080613T130000”]]

                  set days [expr $timediff/86400]

                  set hours [expr $timediff%86400/3600]

                  set minutes [expr $timediff%86400%3600/60]

                  echo “$days days $hours hours $minutes min.”

                  Notice the ‘T’ between the date and the time…. I am sure you can do an insert of some sort….  Also the time must have hhmmss in it for clock scan to work….The results:

                  3 days 10 hours 59 min.

                  This was quick and dirty so I hope I didn’t miss anything… Happy Motoring….

                • #64937
                  Rentian Huang

                    Hi Keith,

                    Your method fits my requirement well, and it is handy and small. Thanks for all your input! I really appreciated them!!!

                    Sam  8)

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