problems with AIX 5.3 again

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Operating Systems problems with AIX 5.3 again

  • Creator
  • #50079
    Kevin Scantlan

      Yesterday early morning we upgraded our OS to AIX 5.3  .  We also installed new disk drives:  a RAID5 file subsystem.  By the time it started to get hit with regular Thursday morning traffic,  thousands of messages were queueing in our registration system that feeds our engine.    We normally are able to process 1.8 to 2.4 messages per second, but now were only handling about .85 .  We are slow in getting ACKs back to them.  We tried all sorts of things.  Quovadx support provided some parameters that were supposed to go in the security limits file, but we already matched what they recommended.  We then enabled concurrent I/O for the drives.   However, it seemed to lock up the recovery database.  So, we backed that out and got it to run, but slow again.  Finally, the decision was made to back out our implemenation.  We got things to running again and eventually got caught up.  Needless to say our management are not happy campers and we impacted the entire operations of our hospital.   This is the 2nd time we’ve had to back out our upgrade to AIX 5.3  .  

      We’ve heard that AIX 5.3 should not be run on a IBM P4 series hardware.  Have any of you had any issues with AIX 5.3?  We are running Cloverleaf 5.4.1 rev1.


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    • Author
      • #64794
        Michael Hertel

          This is ringing a bell, but I can’t remember what it was.

          Check that the right maintenance levels are applied from IBM.

          Check with support to find out which ML is supported.

        • #64795
          Michael Hertel
          • #64796
            Kevin Scantlan

              Your’s was taking as much as 16 seconds.  The most ours was approximately 1.2 seconds.  This is compared to it taking much less time (approximate .5 sec or less) while under 5.2  .

            • #64797
              Michael Hertel

                I understand that, but Russ’ reply I thought was helpful.

              • #64798
                John Hamilton

                  We ran into the same kind of issue earlier.

                  The problem had to do we some environment settings.

                  I don’t recall what they were this was 6 months ago or so.

                  There should be something the cloverleaf release notes about it.

                  I may have this confused with something else. But I do know it was running just very slow. But much improved after modfing some environment.  Sorry I don’t recall what it was.

                • #64799
                  John Custer

                    Can you check to see if you have an entry in your resolv.conf file …. here is an example …. this should resolve slow response time …. John

                    # more /etc/resolv.conf


                  • #64800
                    Russ Ross


                      Your comment about the /etc/resolve.conf file jogged my memory.

                      We started seeing slowness while they were adding additional domains and ended up adding a search entry to our /etc/resolve.conf file.

                      Here is what is in our /etc/resolve.conf file at this time





                      Russ Ross

                    • #64801
                      Kevin Scantlan

                        I don’t believe that our resolv.conf has changed.  The only change was going from AIX 5.2 to AIX 5.3  .

                      • #64802
                        Michael Hertel

                          You might want to have them check anyway.

                          Then again, you said you backed it out?

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