This is a good proc for dividing up a message into logically related chunks, as long as you don’t have to deal with ‘{‘ characters somewhere in the message.
One way I’ve used it, for example, is to parse messages into ‘everything before the first obx group’, a list of ‘obx groups’ (an obx plus associated nte’s, e.g.), and ‘everything after & including the the last obx’–for the problem at hand it was a very fast and low-line-count-code solution. The regex for that one is {r(?=OBX|)}.
It’s handy enough to keep lying on the workbench within easy reach, though to keep things clean I actually keep it in a namespace and declare chunks
# proc regsplit
# Kevin Kinnell — 2007
# (use at your own risk!)
# Splits $str into a list on $rgx, removes the
# matches, returns the resulting list.
# This proc does NOT “clean up” the string being operated
# on. It uses the Tcl string-is-a-list convention to return its
# list, NOT the list command.
proc regsplit { rgx str } {
set chunks {}
regsub -all $rgx $str “} {” chunks
return [cconcat “{{” $chunks “}}”]