Removing OBX segment(s)

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  • Creator
  • #49911
    Gary Atkinson

      Hi, I been given an interesting task.  Our lab system Sunquest currently is suppressing sending certain antibiotics, based on specimen type.  One of the receiving systems wants these suppressed antibiotics and another receiving system does not.  All of the Sunquest results (ORU^R01) come into the engine via one thread.  Sunquest sends OBR and OBX in groups.  The specimen type is in OBR:15 and antibotic in OBX:3.  So, if specimen type is “sputum”, then don’t send antibotic “amikacin”.  Is there a way to remove a OBX segment(s) in the translation?  How anyone tried something like this?


      OBR|3|72206001|804100010H59463|MIC^METHOD MIC|||200803132058|||88629^NAME,NAME||||200803132117|SPUTUM^SPUTUM L SIDED THORACENTESIS|2481^NAME^NAME^K||||H59463||||MC^MB|F|RSCU&RESPIRATORY CULTURE^3^ECOL^ESCHERICHIA COLI|^^^^^S||72206001^804100010H59463
      |||R|||F|||200803161417|MC^MICRO|40803^NAME^NAME OBX|4|ST|AZTR^AZTREONAM|

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    • Author
      • #64065
        Jim Kosloskey


          If NOT using BULKCOPY – just don’t copy the fields in the desired segment or don’t PATHCOPY the segment and the segment won’t be built.

          If BULKCOPY is in the picture, then (I have never done this personally but supposedly it works) PATHCOPY @null to the segment (with proper repetition counter placement in address path).

          Since I rarely use BULKCOPY this is not a big issue for me.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

        • #64066
          Gary Atkinson


            Thanks for the reply.  I do want to send the OBX segment, just not the ones with certain specimen,antibotic groupings.  I’m probably making this more difficult than it is  ðŸ˜†


          • #64067
            Jim Kosloskey


              Are you using BULKCOPY?

              If not, are you using PATHCOPY?

              If not then as you iterate through the OBX check for the OBX(s) you do want. As long as that condition is true, COPY (or whatever appropriate Actions) to build that repeitition OBX. If the condition is false (means you do not want the OBX, nothing will occur and you will go on to the ext iteration – effectively omitting the unwanted OBX.

              Or you can use the inverse of the logic above checking for the OBX(s) you don’t want.

              Jim Kosloskey

              email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

            • #64068
              Gary Atkinson

                Sorry, using pathcopy on the OBX’s.  I think I’m following you.  I’ll try the IF statment inside the Iterate.

              • #64069
                Jim Kosloskey


                  No problem using PATHCOPY.

                  Just do the IF logic and place the OBX PATHCOPY(s) appropriately and all should be well.

                  Jim Kosloskey

                  email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                • #64070
                  Robert Milfajt

                    When you remove a particular OBX segment, is the receiving system of those messages going to require that the OBX.1 field is continuous.  In your example you receive, and Amikacin is in OBX|1.

                    Does the receiving system want the first OBX to be OBX|1, or can is it OK for it to be OBX|2.  Furthermore, if Amikacin were in one of the “middle” OBXs, like OBX|3, is the receiving system OK with the break, OBX|1, OBX|2 and OBX|4.  If the system cares about the ordinality in OBX.1, then you need to add additional code in your iterate to keep track of the OBX count for the destination system and plug that number in to OBX.1.

                    The following is an example of what I am talking about.  If you simply do not copy the Amikacin segment in your example, you will have a destination message that looks like:


                    OBR|3|72206001|804100010H59463|MIC^METHOD MIC|||200803132058|||88629^NAME,NAME||||200803132117|SPUTUM^SPUTUM L SIDED THORACENTESIS|2481^NAME^NAME^K||||H59463||||MC^MB|F|RSCU&RESPIRATORY CULTURE^3^ECOL^ESCHERICHIA COLI|^^^^^S||72206001^804100010H59463
                    OBX|2|ST|AMC^AMOXICILLIN/CLAVULANIC ACID|1|SUSCEPTIBLE|||S|||F|||20||0803161417|MC^MICRO|40803^NAME^NAME

                    If your receiving system cares about the numeric order in the OBX segments, you will need to write code to do the following:


                    OBR|3|72206001|804100010H59463|MIC^METHOD MIC|||200803132058|||88629^NAME,NAME||||200803132117|SPUTUM^SPUTUM L SIDED THORACENTESIS|2481^NAME^NAME^K||||H59463||||MC^MB|F|RSCU&RESPIRATORY CULTURE^3^ECOL^ESCHERICHIA COLI|^^^^^S||72206001^804100010H59463
                    OBX|1|ST|AMC^AMOXICILLIN/CLAVULANIC ACID|1|SUSCEPTIBLE|||S|||F|||20||0803161417|MC^MICRO|40803^NAME^NAME

                    I hope this was clear,

                    Robert Milfajt
                    Northwestern Medicine
                    Chicago, IL

                  • #64071
                    Gary Atkinson

                      Thanks Robert- I didn’t think about that one.  I guess I could put some sort of counter for OBX:1.  This is going to be a tricky one for me to figure out  ðŸ˜•

                    • #64072
                      Jim Kosloskey


                        Check with the receving system – many do not care about the Set ID.

                        If the receiving system does not care then I would not change it. For one thing it gives me an indication in the outbound message of what OBX segments have been omitted. If they are renumbered, I have to actually compare inbound to outbound.

                        To renumber simply use a temp variable (call it something like @obx_setid).

                        I would initialize it to zero at the very start of your Xlate (old programmer trait) with a COPY =0 to @obx_setid).

                        Then within the ITERATE and in the IF logic that actually populates the Outbound OBX add a MATH ADD Action with the Source being: =1 @obx_setid and the Destination being: @obx_setid. Then COPY @obx_setid to OBX-1.

                        If you have multiple OBR groups each of which will have their own OBX group, remember to zero out the counter (@obx_setid) in the OBR ITERATion.

                        But like I say, if the receiving system does not care, I wouldn’t bother.

                        Jim Kosloskey

                        email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                      • #64073
                        Robert Milfajt

                          I agree with Jim 100%, if it ain’t broke…

                          Robert Milfajt
                          Northwestern Medicine
                          Chicago, IL

                        • #64074
                          Frank Hartmann

                            Hi folks,

                            I know this thread is a bit old but I just stumbled upon it. I have had to make similar accommodations for our Sunquest system regarding OBX results that were to be suppressed while leaving others intact so I wrote a tps proc at the time to remove any HL7 segment that contained a specified value in a specified field. In my case I was looking for SUPPRESSED in OBX/13 but you can use it for any segment, field, subfield and value you specify in the parameters. Call it using the following parameters:

                            SEG = The segment type you are wanting to remove

                            FLD = The field you are examining

                            CMP = Optional parameter in case you are looking for a subfield

                            VAL = The value you are looking for. If found, the segment will be removed from the message. Use BLANK as a parameter to check for empty fields.

                            example: {SEG OBX} {FLD 13} {VAL SUPPRESSED}

                            Note: OBX IDs are not renumbered so if your destination system needs that to happen you could add that to this code too.

                            Thanks to Charlie Bursell whose tpsHL7KillSegment proc I used as a base to start my proc from.


                            proc tpsHL7KillSegmentByField { args } {
                               keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode

                               set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return

                            set SEG [keylget args ARGS.SEG]

                            if {[catch {set FLD [keylget args ARGS.FLD]} cerr]} {
                            set FLD “”

                            if {[catch {set CMP [keylget args ARGS.CMP]} cerr]} {
                            set CMP “”

                            if {[catch {set VAL [keylget args ARGS.VAL]} cerr]} {
                            set VAL “”

                               switch -exact — $mode {
                                   start {
                                       # Perform special init functions
                               # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

                                   run {
                            # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
                            keylget args MSGID mh
                            set msg [msgget $mh]               ;#  Get message data
                                     set sep [csubstr $msg 3 1]         ;#  Get HL7 field separator
                            set cmpsep [csubstr $msg 4 1]      ;#  Get HL7 component separator
                            set segments [split $msg r]       ;#  Split by segments
                            set ctr 0    ;#  Initialize segment counter

                            if {$FLD != “”} {
                            foreach segment $segments {
                            #echo $segment
                            if {[cequal $segment “”]} { continue }    ;#  Check just in case
                                      set segtype [csubstr $segment 0 3]        ;#  Get segment name
                                      if { [cequal $segtype $SEG] } {           ;#  Check for desired segment
                                      set seglist [split $segment $sep] ;#  If found split into a list
                            set fld_value [lindex $seglist $FLD] ;#  Retrieve the desired field
                            #echo “Found field with value of $fld_value”    

                            if {$CMP != “”} {
                               set fieldlist [split $fld_value $cmpsep]
                               set fld_value [lindex $fieldlist $CMP]

                            if {$VAL == “BLANK” } {
                               set VAL {}

                            if  { [cequal $VAL $fld_value] }   {
                                                   lvarpop segments $ctr ; # Kill the segment
                               incr ctr -1 ;# Decrement the counter since we popped a segment

                            incr ctr
                            #echo “Counter incremented to $ctr”

                             msgset $mh [join $segments r]

                                       lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

                                   time {
                                       # Timer-based processing
                               # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

                            shutdown {
                                       # Perform special init functions
                               # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

                                   default {
                               error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tpsHL7KillSegmentByField”

                               return $dispList

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