
  • Creator
  • #49853
    Mark Perschbacher

      I am trying to set up kill_msg to block all ORU messages with the OBR-25 value of P from going out,  here is the argumnent I have

      {PASSCOND ~F} {SEGNAME OBR} {FIELDNUM 25} {SUBFIELDNUM 0}, but it doesn’t seem to be working.  I have the proc applied to the inbound thread, Route Prop., Xlate Route Prop., Pre Proc.   Any ideas?

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    • Author
      • #63876
        John Hamilton

          I know a dozen or so procedures you pass things to like you are showning.

          Without knowing the script and paramaters it expects it is hard to solve this one.

          Aside from that I almost always do this at the pre-xlate upoc.

          So I hope that helps.

        • #63877
          Levy Lazarre


            The “~” after PASSCOND indicates a negation. So, if you want to let only final results go through, you should write:

            {PASSCOND F}

            If you want to block all preliminary results and let anything else go through, you should write:

            {PASSCOND ~P}

            I hope this helps.


          • #63878
            Mark Perschbacher

              Levy, the negation issue was it, thanks for your assistance

            • #63879
              Mark Perschbacher

                Well, I just realised that I need to iterate through the OBR’s.  I am guessing that kill_msg is designed to evaluate a unique, rather than repeating segment.  Can anyone verify this?

              • #63880
                Levy Lazarre

                  Yes. I believe that this is correct. If you want to evaluate another condition, you would have to stack another instance of kill_msg with the new condition. Rather than doing this however, it may be better to write a single script that will take care of both conditions.

                  In your particular case, I am not sure why you need to iterate through all the OBR segments. Generally, results are either P or F. Do you expect a combination of P and F in a single HL7 message?

                • #63881
                  Mark Perschbacher

                    This particular ORU interface is configured on our host to send out cumulative results.  In other words, if there are three results, an ORU goes out when the first one is released, its OBR has an F in field 25, the last two would have a P.

                  • #63882
                    Alan James

                      This proc asks for arguments at the segment level, not the message level.  Are we sure it won’t work with repeating segments?  If it finds the condition in any segment, as defined in the arguments, it will kill the whole message, however…

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