Here’s the problem. I’ve got everything working except I need to send data from a couple of fields in the OBR segment to a new ODS segment. At the same time, I have an Iteration set up where for each OBX segment, various fields are copied into ODS segments.
The iteration works, but I’m stuck on how to get the information from the OBR segment into a new ODS segment. So, if I have 5 OBX and 1 OBR, I should have 6 ODS segments. No matter what I’ve tried, either nothing happens with the OBR to ODS translation, or worse, the info in the OBR segment overwrites the first ODS segment that I created from the OBX iteration.
I need to set up a translation where OBR copies to ODS iteration 1 and OBX iteration 1 copies to ODS iteration 2, OBX iteration 2 to ODS iteration 3, and so on.
Any ideas?