Filter by patient type field from file

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Filter by patient type field from file

  • Creator
  • #49790
    Rick Pritchett

      I am reading a file to create HL7 messages and was wanting to know if i can filter before the translation i have a proc that does the same thing that is used as a pre-proc for HL7 messages coming in and i know i could use this a a post proc for the HL7 messages coming out but, would like to save some processing.

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    • Author
      • #63607
        Tom Rioux

          It can be done.  Is the file in an FRL format or a comma separated file or what?

        • #63608
          Rick Pritchett

            it is a frl with comma delimiters as well

          • #63609
            Rick Pritchett

              does anyone have a sample of how they do this

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