QDX 5.5 NetConfig copying issue

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  • Creator
  • #49671
    Mary Sinclair

      I have been experiencing loss of data in my NetConfig file after it has been ftp’d from one server to another. Example is; tcl procs that are used on an inbound or outbound tps and have args such as Tablenames – the args are being lost when I ftp the NetConfig from one environment to another. We went live this weekend with a lab upgrade and I ended up having to enter 3-4 arguments manually after determining that they were not there. I also had to reload several tcl procs manually. Has anyone else experienced this issue with 5.5?

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    • Author
      • #63051
        James Cobane


          I’m wondering if it is an issue with the way the ARGS are being entered in the GUI (i.e. are the ARGS separated by hard-returns) and the FTP process between servers (ASCII vs. BINARY).  I would play around with this a little bit (using a differently named NetConfig file – i.e. NetConfig.TESTFTP) and try some different scenarios with the arguments and FTP method.

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #63052
          Mary Sinclair


            Thank you for the suggestion. I will try different methods of entering the ARGS prior to ftp. Today they are separated only by a space. No hard return.

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