Mass Table entry

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  • Creator
  • #49631
    Gordon Wilkinson

      I need to create a table that has upwards of 1,000 entries.  Is it possible to upload from an outside source, say Excel/Access, or will I need to manually type each entry directly into Cloverleaf?

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    • Author
      • #62795
        John Hamilton

          Not recomded I”m sure but i have edited the file on occasion.

          here is a script that you can try to create the file for yourself. It is not well documented and only does basic errror checking.

        • #62796
          Nate Kruse

            Create a sample table.  Go to the table directory on the server and look at the table format.  Then you can use a tcl script (with reading in your csv values) and create that file format.

            Here is a script I used.  Test your output though as I had several revisions of this and I hope this was the latest one.

            proc create_table_from_file {  } {

            #Set file names

            set filedate [clock format [clock seconds] -format “%B %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p”]

            set input_dir “C:/Data_Files/”

            #set input_dir [glob -dir $input_dir *.csv]

            #set read_file [lindex $input_dir 0] ;#Assuming one file is to be read

            set read_file “C:/Data_Files/diagnosiscodes_master.txt”

            set output_file “C:/Data_Files/TumorReg_DiagCodes_Lookup_master.tbl”

            set fldSeparator “#”

            set output “”

            set newline “n”

            #Does the read file exist?

            if {[file exists $read_file] == 0} {

            #1 is success, 0 is failure

            puts stdout “File Does Not Exist:  $read_file.”



            #Can we open the original file?

            if [catch {open $read_file r}] {

            puts stdout “Error Opening File:  $read_file.”


            } else {

            set dataIn [open $read_file r]

            puts stdout “Reading File $read_file…”


            #Get and Set file data

            set filedata [read $dataIn]

            #Get length of file

            set filelen [string length $filedata]

            #Does file have data?

            if {$filelen == 0} {

            puts stdout “Message length in $read_file is 0.  No data to be processed.”

            } else {

            #Create a new file to write results to. Can we open it?

            if [catch {open $output_file w}] {

            puts stdout “Error Opening File:  $output_file.”


            } else {

            set dataOut [open $output_file w]

            puts stdout “Opening File $output_file…”


            #Output the header information for the table.

            set output “# Translation lookup table$newline”

            append output “#$newline”

            append output “prologue$newline”

            append output ”    who: Hospital – imported table$newline”

            append output ”    date: $filedate$newline”

            append output ”    outname: output$newline”

            append output ”    inname: input$newline”

            append output ”    bidir: 0$newline”

            append output ”    type: tbl$newline”

            append output ”    version: 3.0$newline”

            append output “end_prologue$newline”

            set record [split $filedata n]

            foreach line $record {

            if {$line != “”} {

            set linevalue [split $line “,”]

            puts stdout “linevalue = $linevalue”

            set fldOne [lindex $linevalue 0]

            set fldTwo [lindex $linevalue 1]

            set checkval [string range $fldOne 0 3]

            if {$checkval == “dflt”} {

            #Row is default ->  dflt=$fldOne

            if {$fldOne == “dflt”} {

            #write the values to the output file in this order

            append output $fldSeparator $newline

            append output “dflt=$fldTwo$newline”


            } else {

            if {$fldOne != “” && $fldTwo != “”} {

            #write the values to the output file in this order

            append output $fldSeparator $newline

            append output $fldOne $newline

            append output $fldTwo $newline






            puts stdout “Finished Processing!”

            puts $dataOut $output

            close $dataOut

            close $dataIn


          • #62797
            Gordon Wilkinson

              I found a way to upload an electronic file.  I copied the table off the engine and simply cut and paste from a .txt file (created from our HIS)the exact format which is




              and then copied back up to the engine.  I tested and it works.

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