Regsub – curly brace issue

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  • Creator
  • #49535
    Ray Mullen


      I have a translate that generates a hl7 message. Within the translate I have a few regsub commands that convert , to E | to F e.t.c and that works fine, however I have just encountered a problem when the user has entered a  ” { (Curly Brace) ” into the message, it plays havoc with the regsub.

      I prob need to replace the curly brace at the start, and then replace it back again before i release the message. I Have tried lots of different combinations but dont seem to be able to get the code to work, any one any ideas how to use regsub to replace a {.

      Thanks in advance


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    • Author
      • #62357
        John Hamilton

          Are you looking for something like this


          tcl>set CURLY “This is a {CURLY TEST}

          This is a {CURLY TEST} done          

          tcl>regsub -all “{” $CURLY “^$” STEP1


          tcl>regsub -all “}” $STEP1 “$^” STEP2


          tcl>echo $STEP2                      

          This is a ^$CURLY TEST$^ done        


          At least this should give you a start.  I’m sure if I worked at it we could get both brackets at the same time.

        • #62358
          Ray Mullen

            Hi John , I have tried this code and it works fine from the command line but i can’t seem to get it to work within a translate ,  I have the following example but when i run it through the testing tool it gives me an error

            set c_output [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

            set a $c_output

            regsub -all “{” $a “^$” c_output

            set xlateOutVals

          • #62359
            Tom Rioux

              Take this line:   regsub -all “{” $a “^$” c_output

              and change to: regsub -all “{” $a “^$” c_output

              Once I added the backslash, it worked fine in my test Xlate.

              Let me know how it works for you.


              Tom Rioux

            • #62360
              John Hamilton

                That is correct with in the Xlate you need to escape out the curly brackets.

                Also you may want to change “^$” “$^” to something a little more easy to deal with those both have special meaning and when you go to move the back to brackets it will be tough.  

                Maybe use “Cu_iN” and “Cu_ouT”  or something with out special characters.

              • #62361
                Ray Mullen

                  Thomas & John, thanks a million for you help , that worked just fine.

                  Ray 😀

                • #62362
                  Charlie Bursell

                    This would be much simplier and more egonomic if you used the string map command.


                    tcl>set CURLY “This is a {CURLY TEST}

                    set CURLY  [string map


                      Regular expressions are powerful but not needed for every occasion.

                  • #62363
                    Ray Mullen

                      Ok Charlie , will try that out, thanks for your reply, appreciate it


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