tcl callout error – 3.8 to 5.5

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf tcl callout error – 3.8 to 5.5

  • Creator
  • #49494
    Femina Jaffer

      Hi everyone,

      I am getting the following error for my code snippet after converting from 3.8 to version 5.5.  Most of the code snippets are generating the same error after our conversion.  Please advise, as this is working the way it is in 3.8.


      MESSAGE 1

      Tcl callout error

      erroCode: NONE


      invalid command name “xlt_fo_orc.tcl”

         while executing


      The code is:


      # Name: fo_orc

      # Purpose:

      # UPoC type: xltp

      # Args: none

      # Notes: All data is presented through special variables.  The initial

      # upvar in this proc provides access to the required variables.


      # This proc style only works when called from a code fragment

      # within an XLT.


      # Created By Femina Jaffer on Feb. 7, 07:  This code fragment removes the “_”and                                            # everything after in the ORC 2 field for # Fast Orders. For example: 12345_fast# output after this code is 12345.      

      proc xlt_fo_orc {} {

         upvar xlateId         xlateId

       xlateInList   xlateInList

       xlateInTypes  xlateInTypes

       xlateInVals   xlateInVals

       xlateOutList  xlateOutList

       xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes

       xlateOutVals  xlateOutVals

       lassign $xlateInVals data

          set xlateOutVals [string range $data 0 [string first “_” $data -1]]  


      Thank you.


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    • Author
      • #62215
        James Cobane


          It looks like are trying to run the file (xlt_fo_orc.tcl) vs. the actual proc (xlt_fo_orc); make sure the Xlate is referencing the proc name (xlt_fo_orc).  You may also need to re-build/build the tclIndex file as you may have missed a step in the conversion from 3.8 to 5.5.

        • #62216
          Femina Jaffer

            Thanks Jim.

            I had already rebuild the tclindex.  It is only when I call the code from the Xlate, that I get this error.

            In the Callout, I am just calling the name of the code “xlt_fo_orc”.



          • #62217
            Ed Mastascusa


              it is always possible mktclindex didn’t work because there was a syntax error in the tcl file.

              Although nothing looks wrong in what you listed, I would suggest manually checking that your function exists. That way you can at least narrow down the likely cause to being either in the function itself or your translate file.

              to manually check set your site, then go into tcl and try the function from the command line.

              If you get an “invalid command name” error then your function isn’t being loaded by mktclindex

              If you call it w/ no parameters and the function exists then you should see an error to the effect that some variable doesn’t exist or that your passing the wrong numberof parameters.

              $ tcl

              tcl>echo $env(HCISITEDIR)


              tcl>qwertyuiop               ;# illustate a non-existent command

              Error: invalid command name “qwertyuiop”

              tcl>xltConvertDate         ;# this is valid in my system

              Error: can’t read “xlateInVals”: no such variable

            • #62218
              Bob Richardson


                You may wish to check the tclIndex file in your tclprocs directory for the proc name to verify that the index entry exists and with the correct name.

                For example with your proc, an entry like:

                set auto_index(xlt_fo_orc)


                  would be there.

                  I hope that this helps you out.

                1. #62219
                  Robert Milfajt

                    I noticed something between 3.8 (our production) and 5.5 (our test).  In 5.5, under hcitcl shell, help lassign does not return any help but instead an error, although running the command from the shell works as one would expect.  Under 3.8, help lassign gives you the proper help.  In both 3.8 and 5.5, there is an hci provided extension, called assign_list, which seems to be the same thing as lassign.

                    Of the code snippets that are not working, do they all contain the lassign command?  Of the ones that are working, are they missing the lassign command?  If you replace lassign with assign_list in the TCL you provided in your example, does it work?  (Remember to reload the TCL proc to your process).

                    Hope this helps,


                    Robert Milfajt
                    Northwestern Medicine
                    Chicago, IL

                  • #62220
                    Charlie Bursell

                      Help was part of the TclX interpreter.  When you ran hcitcl prior to Tcl 8.4 you ran the interpreter in TclX.  TclX was not updated along with 8.4.  Now TclX is a separate libarary and the hcitcl interpreter runs under tclsh.

                      Also you will note that you no longer can run a script like:

                                      hcitcl -f

                    • #62221
                      Femina Jaffer

                        Thank you all for your help.  Much appreciated.

                        It seemed that the problem was within the xlate itself.  In the copy where I am calling the code snippet, the source path was missing a “{” brace in front ( I noticed this from another COPY).  Anyway, I think this is usually placed automatically, but it was missing on this particular one.  Once I placed it back, it worked alright.  Go figure.

                        Thanks again.


                      • #62222
                        Jim Kosloskey


                          That is just one of the reasons we do not use XLTP ‘snippets’ imbedded in an Xlate.

                          Instead we create a Tcl proc (easier to make it reusable that way as well) and invoke it from the Xlate Action (COPY, CALL, whatever).

                          That way should we fumble finger the curly braces, square brackets, or any other Tcl sensitive encapsulation, the error we get is inside the module, not inside the Xlate.

                          Jim Kosloskey

                          email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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