Passive mode FTP

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  • Creator
  • #49318
    Mark Thompson


      We are being asked to deliver files to an FTP server that only accepts ‘passive’ mode connections.  It is possible to configure a fileset/FTP thread in Cloverleaf 5.5 to use passive mode?

      - Mark Thompson

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    • Author
      • #61493
        Charlie Bursell

          Cloverleaf does passive mode only

        • #61494
          Mark Thompson

            My EDI team says we are sending EPSV (extended passive) instead of PASV (passive) mode from Cloverleaf 5.5 (Rev 1).  Any way to get PASV mode?

            - Mark Thompson

          • #61495
            Ryan Spires


              Having the same issue with the inability to place files successfully on an ftp server that wants passive mode.  Can place the file manually, but when attempting to place via thread, file is created, but is zero bytes.

              Were you able to get this resolved?


              Ryan Spires

            • #61496
              Charlie Bursell

                I don’t know which version of Cloverleaf you have but Cloverleaf uses PASSIVE (PASV) by default in all versions.  In 5.5 we use TclCurl which will first attempt  EPSV mode which is the same as PASV for IPV6 which is the expanded IPV4 (More addresses) If it cannot set  EPSV it sets PASV.

                You could use ACTIVE mode by use of the FTP PORT command but why?  Active mode tells the server to assign the data port which, in most cases will not get through your firewall.  That is why PASSIVE mode is used.  It allows the client to assign the data port.

                If this works via the command line, it should work from Cloverleaf.  Run it from the command line with -d option (DEBUG).  Then run from Cloverleaf with full EO and see differences in commands issued.

                The problem is that a lot of FTP servers are not IAW RFC 959.  If your server expects something different you could write a procedure using either the FTP package from tcllib or, if on 5.5, TclCurl

              • #61497
                Traci Zee

                  I’m having this same issue with FTP running Cloverleaf 5.5, Rev 1 on AIX 5.3 (CASE#31581)

                  Client is running:

                  220 Serv-U FTP Server v5.0 for WinSock ready…

                  Are other people trying to connect Cloverleaf FTP to Windows FTP?

                  I know that this worked in April so was surprised when my test last week failed.

                  Traci Zee

                  Emdeon Business Services



                • #61498
                  Ryan Spires

                    Charlie Bursell wrote:

                    I don’t know which version of Cloverleaf you have but Cloverleaf uses PASSIVE (PASV) by default in all versions.

                  • #61499
                    Charlie Bursell

                      It looks like Cloverleaf is trying to use ACTIVE mode instead of PASSIVE.

                      Note the statement [fset:cont:INFO/1:      ftp_out] Processing FTP ‘Send PORT command’ control state

                      Whay happens from the command line if you issue the PORT command?

                      Might be time to upgrade to the latest  ðŸ™‚

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