Our outbound is dog.txt…the ftp server we are sending to has, as part of the login…the actual directory structure of where the file dog.txt will be put.
Are you saying to “restate” this directory structure/path that exists on the server we are sending to ?
say the dir structure on the ftp server is abdog.txt…..would we be actually “stsating this in the DRIVERCTL FILENAME now ?
We have opened a case and have 2 fileset-ftp interface down since yesterday.
Did the structure of the NetCOnfig change at all ?
We were unable to to a sitepromote due to sym link issues…so I moved everything by hand…..Im wondering if the Netconfig (from 5.3) running in 5.5 is a problem
If you didn’t follow site promotion procedures there may be an issue. I doubt it is related to the change described in this thread, as it only affects inbound interfaces. Please allow support to work this issue.
Rob Abbott
Cloverleaf Emeritus
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