Clean up Cloverleaf sites

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  • Creator
  • #49152
    Chak Kwok Yin


      We’re running Cloverleaf 5.3 Rev3 on Microsoft Win2003 platform with service pack1.

      Recently, the network error causes all threads (inbound & outbound) to drop connections. When the network was back up, we’ve stop all processes and threads and then restarted all for all sites. Connections were back to normal and messages were flowing again. However, the next day. All inbound threads at all sites were slow to receive messages. Like getting one message every 5 seconds, and affected threads were not responding to a stop command. Finally we’ve to reboot the server to resolve the slowness.

      Our sites have been running fine for a year now and only recently network problem, we have this problem.  ðŸ˜¯ Is there a method to do a site clean up whenever network occurs?



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    • Author
      • #60913
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Chak,

          May I refer you to another post:” class=”bbcode_url”>

          I listed a series of actions we do when Cloverleaf doesn’t start normally anymore. It might help your performance problems without having to boot the servers.

          Be aware though: we are running on HP-UX, so there can be some diffecences with Windows Platform.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #60914
          Chak Kwok Yin

            Hi Robert

            Those steps are applicable to MS window platform too. I’ll include these 2 commands for site cleanup in the future.

            Cleanup memory region (hcimsiutil -R)

            Cleanup site (hcisitecleanup)

            Thank you!



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