XML to HL7

  • Creator
  • #49148
    Femina Jaffer


      Can anyone assist me on how I load or import the xml file into CL.  I am very new to XML, I have an *.xml file, but I have no clue of how to bring it in and compile it.  Can anyone guide me with the first steps?  I tried the XML package, created a folder – and that was all I could do.  

      The version of CL wer are on is 3.8.x.

      Thank you for your assistance.


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    • Author
      • #60895
        Kevan Riley

          The first step is that you will need to create a DTD or Schema that defines you XML document.  It is unfortunately not uncommon for a vendor to supply sample XML documents but not supply a DTD or schema.  If they cannot provide you one, you will have to create it.  There are some tools out there available that are helpful, try googling XML editor.

          Once you have a DTD or schema, that is what you will use with the package tool in Cloverleaf.

        • #60896
          Femina Jaffer

            Thank you so much Kevin, for your prompt response.  However, I am still have trouble with this, even after doing what you suggested.  The compile option is also greyed out in the XML Package Manager.  I have attached the screen shot of this, and also the XML file for anyones review.  

            Please advise.  Thank you.


            XML Package Manager Screenshot:


            XML FILE:



















             ATTN: TRICORE LAB

             1001 WOODWARD PLACE NE








             JOCHEMS, GREG MD

             RIO RANCHO MED CNTR

             4500 HIGH RESORT BLVD SE


             RIO RANCHO


































             17.08 ug/dL


             ** Age Adjusted **






             < 200 uM


             Normal < 200 uM






             Has Color


             Normal Has Color







             Abn Hb not found

             Normal = FA






             20.48 ng/mL


             ** Age Adjusted **












             Amino Acids




















          • #60897
            Kevan Riley

              it is the Schema or DTD that you must compile.  Can you send the Schema or DTD you are trying to use?

            • #60898
              Jim Kosloskey


                You might want to check to see if the XML facility on 3.8.1 is fully functional. I suppose support can give you that information – unless someone else on this forum knows definitively

                I seem to recall that version’s XML was not.

                Jim Kosloskey

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

              • #60899
                Femina Jaffer

                  Hi Kevin,

                  Here is the DTD and schema, attached.  I figured out what I was doing incorrectly, which was I needed to place these file in a New Package Directory.  After doing this I was able to compile, except I get an error.  I get an out of memory error if I click the .xml file, and root node error when I click on the *dtd file.

                  I have attached the error message and the files for your review.

                  Thank you both for your responses.  It is much appreciated.



                • #60900
                  Femina Jaffer

                    I was able to successfully compile.  I figured out the error, we needed to modify the xml schema to match another label/element.  Once we did that – bingo!  

                    So, now I guess the next bit is map the fields in a translate.  Any idea or examples ?

                    Thanks again to all of you.


                  • #60901
                    Kevan Riley

                      Here is a sample Xlate that is a CSV to XML interface.

                    • #60902
                      Femina Jaffer

                        Hello Kevin,

                        The attachment wasn’t in the post.  Please re-send.


                      • #60903
                        Kevan Riley

                          Let me try the attachment again.

                        • #60904
                          Kevan Riley

                            The file I attached is an Xlate file.  You’ll have to rename it from “.txt” to “.xlt” to view it in the GUI.

                          • #60905
                            Femina Jaffer

                              Thanks Kevin, you have been a great help.


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