Is anyone else testing (or running) 5.5? In our testing we noticed the Xlate GUI doesn’t handle multi-word literals very well. In 5.4.1 when you entered a literal like
=word1 word2
the GUI saves it as {=word1 word2}. The 5.5 improved Xlate GUI is really nice, but it doesn’t bracket the literal. Running the newly created action in 5.5 produces an “Unrecognized field name ‘word2′” error.
Xlate configurations created in 5.4.1 or earlier appear to run fine under 5.5 since they contain the brackets.
This has been reported to Quovadx Support (Case# 31045).
WORKAROUND: You can add the braces yourself. Just make sure the first brace goes before the equal sign. Not sure what will happen with this workaround when Quovadx fixes the problem.
- Mark Thompson