Building sqlite

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  • Creator
  • #49070
    Richard Hart

      AIX 5.3

      Cloverleaf 5.4.1

      I am looking at building SQLite on this platform and linking with Cloverleaf.

      Has anybody built  this and is willing to share the gotchas.


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    • Author
      • #60633
        Charlie Bursell

          What OS?  We have it running on several.  I use sqlite a lot

        • #60634
          Richard Hart


            We are running on AIX 5.3.

            I can build the SQLite core and it works with the Unix shell.  

            I can, with a few Makefile tweeks, build the TEA , but this ‘core’ dumps when I try the tcl load

            tcl>load ./

            Segmentation fault(coredump)

            Any ideas?


          • #60635
            Dean Basher

              Richard sent a email to and I wll see about getting a copy of sqlite for AIX

            • #60636
              Bala Pisupati

                Can anyone tell me how to import data from command line in sqlite table. ( I don’t want it through GUI).

              • #60637
                Bala Pisupati

                  Ok I was able to put data from a file into a table. But, I couldn’t read the data by using select * from


                  can someone tell me why? or how to look at the data that I imported.

                • #60638
                  Gary Atkinson

                    Well, I’ll jump into this topic as well.  If anyone would be willing to chat about using sqlite on AIX 5.3 with cloverleaf 5.5, I’m am interested.  I would like to try using this to store some field data to be used later on.





                  • #60639
                    Charlie Bursell

                      You can find all you need and more about SQLite on the web.

                      For Documentation:


                      Mailing List:

                    • #60640
                      Gary Atkinson

                        Thanks for those links they do provide lots of information.  A few questions on package installs if I may. Is the shared object file ( all I need in an AIX os?  Where is the best place to store the object file and pkgIndex file in cloverleaf?


                      • #60641
                        Charlie Bursell

                          If it includes the .so file for your version of AIX, that is good.  In the past we have always had to compile it on Unix boxes.

                          Remember that Tcl will search your Tcl path and one level below when searching for packages.  To see your Tcl path echo $::auto_path from within Tcl (hcitcl).

                          If I want a package to be available to all sites in a root, I will usually put in under $HCIROOT/tcl/lib.  For example, you could crete a directory like: $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/sqlite

                          If you want it for a specific site, create a subdirectory under your site tclprocs directory.  For example, I usually do something like: $HCISITEDIR/tclprocs/lib.

                          Then your directory from above must have a pkgIndex.tcl file with reference to the .so file.  I would put the , or whatever name, in the same directory as the pkgIndex.tcl file.

                          You can build the pkgIndex.tcl file either by hand or with a script.  If you want one that just includes the sqlite library, simply edit a file named pkgIndex.tcl and put the following:

                          package ifneeded sqlite 3.3.8


                            Change name of .so file to match what you have.  Once complete, go to a hcitcl prompt anywhere in the site and execute:

                                package require sqlite

                            It should return: 3.3.8

                            Good luck with it.  It is worth the effort!

                          1. #60642
                            James Cobane


                              I’ve attached a document outlining what we did to get SQLite on our AIX box (I pretty much just downloaded the file and ran the mkpkgindex command).

                            • #60643
                              Chris Williams

                                Has anyone built sqlite for HP-UX 11i? I found the source, but we don’t have an ANSI-C compiler on our box. The stripped-down version of cc that comes with HP-UX can’t handle it.


                              • #60644
                                James Cobane


                                  For our AIX box, I pulled a compiled version from  There is a list of pre-compiled packages for various OS’s and I pulled ours from  We installed it and it seems to function fine.  I had gotten this information from Quovadx Support; you may want to check/verify with them.

                                  It looks like there are hp-unix versions, and you may be able to pull one down from

                                  Hope this helps.

                                  Jim Cobane

                                  Henry Ford Health

                                • #60645
                                  Tom Rioux

                                    AIX 5.3.6

                                    Cloverleaf 5.6

                                    I’m attempting to build my first sqlite interface.  It is very simple and have followed Jim’s instructions on here as well as help from Healthvision support in getting sqlite on my server.  However, I wrote a script based on Jim’s template on here, and on my first command:

                                    sqlite DBCMD $dbName

                                    I get an error that says “out of memory”.  This is a new test box with way more than enough memory to run anything.   Am I missing something?


                                    Tom Rioux

                                  • #60646
                                    Tom Rioux

                                      AIX 5.3.6

                                      Cloverleaf 5.6

                                      I’m attempting to build my first sqlite interface.  It is very simple and have followed Jim’s instructions on here as well as help from Healthvision support in getting sqlite on my server.  However, I wrote a script based on Jim’s template on here, and on my first command:

                                      sqlite DBCMD $dbName

                                      I get an error that says “out of memory”.  This is a new test box with way more than enough memory to run anything.   Am I missing something?


                                      Tom Rioux

                                    • #60647
                                      Rick Pritchett


                                        Could i possibly look at the could used to populate the database with patient demographics.  We are starting to look at sqlite as a possible solution to one of our needs solution.

                                      • #60648
                                        John Mercogliano

                                          Just to let you know, I have successfully used sqllite from teapot for HP-UX 11.11 under QDX 5.6.  Regretfully, the version on teapot is only compatible with tcl 8.4 so it does not work on 5.2 which is our current production version.  Darn 🙁

                                          John Mercogliano
                                          Sentara Healthcare
                                          Hampton Roads, VA

                                        • #60649
                                          Charlie Bursell

                                            The Tcl library for sqlite requires Tcl 8.4 regardless of where it is run.

                                            I have successfully used sqlite on older versions of Cloverleaf running Tcl 8.3.  I simply install the command line version of sqlite in my path, e.g., $HCISITEDIR/bin.  Then simply exec it from a Tcl script like:


                                            set rtn [exec sqlite ““]

                                            You might want to put inside a catch statement just in case

                                          • #60650
                                            James Cobane


                                              I’ll dig-up the code and throw it up here (with all the usual disclaimers; i.e. “as is”, “use at your own risk”,  🙂  ).  Stay tuned.

                                              Jim Cobane

                                              Henry Ford Health

                                            • #60651
                                              James Cobane

                                                OK, here is the snippet of code.

                                                Hope this helps.

                                                Jim Cobane

                                                Henry Ford Health

                                              • #60652
                                                Rick Pritchett

                                                  Thank you for the example James.

                                                • #60653
                                                  Rick Pritchett

                                                    Can anyone give me some real world examples of where they are currently using sqlite.  I have been able to get it working for us and if is as good as everyone says would like to use it for more than replacing a few tables.

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