This is being called from within an Xlate and the code in the Pre tcl Proc is as follows:
lassign $xlateInVals dt
set dt [clock format [clock scan $dt] -format “%m%d%Y”]
set xlateOutVals
unable to convert date-time string “200701091244”
while executing
“clock scan $dt”
invoked from within
“clock format [clock scan $dt] -format “%m%d%Y””
invoked from within
“set dt [clock format [clock scan $dt] -format “%m%d%Y”]”
I am using this same code on other dates in the Xlate and they work fine. So I thought it must be that some of the date are set as a Date and some are as a Date Time Stamp, but I changed the ones that were a Date Time Stamp on the inbound variant and the outbound variant and I am still getting the error.
I am out of ideas, so any suggestion or ideas would be very much appreciated.