Unable to Startup process and threats

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Unable to Startup process and threats

  • Creator
  • #48993
    Thao Tran

      I am not able to restart the process and threats.  They are kept saying ‘dead’. Below is what the log says.   Any help is greatly appreciated.

      01/11/2007 15:59:58

      [dbi :dbi :ERR /0:testemr_export_cmd] Unable to find IDENT database record

      01/11/2007 15:59:58

      [cmd :cmd :ERR /0:testemr_export_cmd] Initialization of DBI failed

      01/11/2007 15:59:58

      [prod:prod:ERR /0:testemr_export_cmd] Unable to initialize the Command Thread.

      PANIC: “0”

      PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread testemr_export_cmd

      PANIC: Process panic—engine going down

      PANIC: assertion ‘0’ failed at main.cpp/236

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    • Author
      • #60351
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Thao,

          Here’s a short list of steps that we execute when we need to restart a complete Cloverleaf site. If you still have messages in error or recovery, you need to save these first if necessary.

          * Stop all processes

          * Stop all site daemons (hcisitectl -f -K)

          * Remove the monitorshmemfile (rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/monitorShmemfile)

          * Cleanup memory region (hcimsiutil -R)

          * Remove vista.taf (rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/databases/vista.taf)

          * Cleanup site (hcisitecleanup)

          * Initialise database (hcidbinit -iC)

          * If necessary (when having DB_vista error), rebuild logs:

            – keybuild rlog

            – dchain rlog

            – keybuild elog

            – dchain elog

          * Start site daemons (hcisitectl -S)

          * Start all processes

          If this fails, we reboot the server. If it still fails, we call support…

          We are running CL 5.2.1 on HP-UX.

          Hope this helps.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #60352
          Thao Tran


            Yes I have tried to clean up the site and ran all the commands that you mentioned.  Also rebooted the server but still no luck.  I found this in the log file

            Unable to find IDENT database record

            What does that mean?

          • #60353
            Thao Tran

              One strange thing I noticed was that when I looked up the pid for the testsite yesterday before I left it was 2256.  This morning after rebooting the server pid shows 1484.  Why it changes all of a sudden like that without nothing being done to the site.

              Also, I tried to run this command

              find . -name pid -print

              It came back with  Find: incorrect parameter.  I tried to see if there are any pid found. We are using the Window Server OS instead of Unix. What would be the correct syntax for this command.  Like the system did not recognize the command ‘ rm vista.taf ‘ I had to use ‘ del vista.taf ‘

              Any help is appreciated.

            • #60354
              Robert Kersemakers

                Hi Thao,

                Your using Windows Server explains why commands like ‘rm’ don’t work. I’m not sure if ‘vista.taf’ and ‘monitorShmemfile’ are valid files on a Windows configuration and whether they can be deleted.

                And I have no idea what the IDENT database is: not something I have come across yet.

                I would guess the equivalent of the ‘find’ command would be something like ‘dir pid /S’. You should open a command line and go to the root of the drive where Cloverleaf is installed. Or just use the explorer to find these files; although I’m not sure they are named ‘pid’ under Windows Server…

                So I hope someone with more Windows Server experience can help you out.

                Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

              • #60355
                garry r fisher


                  The cleanup process is the same on Windows and Unix. You are correct to repalce rm with del. For the Find command right click on the exec directory in the hcisite folder – then click search and enter pid in the search field. If it finds find then delete them.



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