TCL end of line character

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Tcl Library TCL end of line character

  • Creator
  • #48985
    Kevin Scantlan

      I’m noticing a difference between how TCL handles the “gets” command between 2 environments.  We recently upgraded our test machine to CLoverleaf 5.4.1 and a new TCL although I’m not certain the version.  Our production machine is still at Cloverleaf 5.2.1  .  I took a file containing an HL7 message and placed it in both machines. I went into the TCL enviroment by entering “tcl” from the command prompt.  I then entered the following:

      set fileid [open filename.dat r]

      set line [gets $fileid]

      On the test machine, the variable “line” only contained the first segment of the message while on the production machine “line” contained the entire message.

      The only difference that I can think is how the command interprets the “end of line” character or what it thinks it is.

      Any suggestions?

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    • Author
      • #60325
        Glenn Friedenreich

          Hi Kevin – Charlie Bursell mentioned this difference in TCL 8.4 at this past year’s User Conference.   Apparently TCL 8.4 (which is what Cloverleaf 5.4.1 uses) tries to “help” you by converting carriage-returns to carriage-return/new lines, like Windows does.  Of course, this isn’t much of a help in an HL7-formatted file.  

          The fconfigure command should fix it:

          set fileid [open filename.dat r]

          fconfigure $fileid -translation lf

          set line [gets $fileid]

          – Glenn

        • #60326
          Kevin Scantlan

            And we need to place this in EVERY script that we have that does this?  Or is there someplace we can “define” the end-of-line character for the machine?

          • #60327
            Steve Carter

              You can place the following lines of code into $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/localInit.tcl


              rename open fileOpen

              proc open { fileName { access “r” } { permissions “0666” } } {

                 set fileHandle [ fileOpen $fileName $access $permissions ]

                 fconfigure $fileHandle -encoding binary -translation binary -eofchar {}

                 return $fileHandle



              In effect, this rewrites the open command and allows you to configure the channel to keep the EOL characters intact.  This is a global change.  Which is exactly what I needed.  Going through our entire system and adding an fconfigure to every open was not an option.

              One other thing, if you use the read_file command, you’ll need the following code added right below the code above:


              rename read_file {}

              proc read_file { args } {

                 if {[string equal [lindex $args 0] -nonewline]} {

                     lvarpop args

                     set nonewline 1

                 } else {

                     set nonewline 0


                 set fileName [ lvarpop args ]

                 set numBytes [ lvarpop args ]

                 set fd [ open $fileName r ]

                 fconfigure $fd -translation binary

                 if {$nonewline} {

                     set str [read -nonewline $fd]

                 } else {

                     if { $numBytes != “” } {

                         set str [read $fd $numBytes]

                     } else {

                         set str [read $fd]



                 close $fd

                 return $str


              I ran into the same problem.  I’m sure Charlie will let you know if I’ve missed something here.


            • #60328
              Kevin Scantlan

                It might be nice to be able to rewrite the gets command to be something like this:

                gets:  proc { parm1, parm2 } {

                       set fileid [gets parm1 parm2];  access the original gets

                       fconfig $fileid -translate lf


                the key here is that the gets within the proc doesn’t access itself but accesses the original “gets”.  But I don’t know where the original “gets” is located.

              • #60329
                Steve Carter

                  It doesn’t actually matter where the original ‘gets’ is located.

                • #60330
                  Steve Carter

                    BTW….this little ‘feature’ is fixed in 5.5.

                    The init.tcl now contains ‘set EuroBinary 1’.

                  • #60331

                      Steve Carter wrote:

                      BTW….this little ‘feature’ is fixed in 5.5.

                      The init.tcl now contains ‘set EuroBinary 1’.

                      How does EuroBinary affect the End Of Line Character?

                    • #60332
                      Steve Carter

                        By toggling EuroBinary off or on (0 or 1), it controls how the EOL characters are interpreted during a read from a file handle.  A value of ‘0’ causes the EOL characters to be translated to the local system’s preferred EOL characters.  A value of ‘1’ leaves the EOL characters intact during the read.  Basically, it’s the same difference you’d see during an ASCII or BINARY ftp session.


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