New connection hanging

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  • Creator
  • #48956
    Tim Hallbauer

      Hey Guys and Gals,

      This is a little long but…..

      I moved a new interface into production today and when I try to start the inbound connection it just hangs on ‘initializing’ until the process panics and shuts itself down. If I try to shut the process down while connection is initializing I have to force it down.

      I don’t see much in the log file except for the dump. All it is doing is reading a file that gets FTP’d to /home/hci and then does a translate and sends it on it’s way to a TCP/IP outbound connection. The funny thing is that we tested in DEV, but now DEV hangs too?? When I look at CPU utilization, hciengine is eating 97% until the process panics.

      I have rebooted 2X, initialized the Db  and am running out of ideas.

      Any help or getting pointed in a direction I could persue would be appreciated.  Unfortunately we are on an unsupported version (still) and unsupported OS.

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    • Author
      • #60228
        Keith McLeod

          Does the filename have a space in it?  This can cause you issues.

        • #60229
          Scott Lee

            Just a thought – is the live thread looking for the same file/directory as the support thread?  Sounds a bit like the two are competing for some resource?


          • #60230
            Michael Hertel

              Your file may be too big to handle.

              What happens when you send a small file through?

            • #60231
              Tim Hallbauer

                The file has under 800 messages in it. No spaces in the file name…just underscores. We changed the file permissions on the box that I am grabbing the file from and it worked? We changed the file permissions back to what it was wr wr r  and it worked again? Go figure? It’s working now, but I don’t know why, just like I didn’t know why it didn’t work. Keep yer fingers and toes crossed.

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