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- Jared Parish
My team member Jim Kosloskey has told me he doesn’t embrace using them because Quovadx does not make any guarantee these will be around into the future.
However, the Quovadx contractors I’ve worked with use them to get the job done and that is how I learned of them.
Here are some comments from the nci.tlib file describing some of the procs you might found usefull:
# netconfig – front end to all the other funtions
# netcfgLoad – Load the netconfig
# netcfgModified – Has NetConfig been modified
# netcfgGetVersion – Get the file format version
# netcfgGetConnList – Get the list of connections
# netcfgGetConnCount – Get count of connections
# netcfgGetGroupList – Get the list of groups
# netcfgGetGroupCount – Get count of groups
# netcfgGetProcList – Get the list of processes
# netcfgGetProcCount – Get count of processes
# netcfgGetConnData – Get data for a connection
# netcfgGetProcData – Get data for a process
# netcfgGetProcConns – Get the connections within a process
# netcfgGetGroupConns – Get the connections within a group
# netcfgIsConnInProcess – See if a connection is in a process
# netcfgIsConnInGroup – See if a connection is in a group
To get you started, here is a TCL script I wrote illustrating how I used some of the netcfg procs listed above to cycle my SMAT files.
# this line to escape the next line from the tcl interpreter
exec hcitcl “$0” “$@”
# Begin Module Header ==============================================================================
# Name:
# cycle_all_SMAT.tcl
# Purpose:
# in/out cycle save SMAT for all threads defined in $HCISITEDIR/NetConfig
# Inputs:
# none
# Notes:
# The HUB team standards require each SMAT file be named as follows:
# ${thread}.in (for inbound SMAT files)
# ${thread}.out (for outbound SMAT files)
# The desired environment should be set before invoking this script.
# At the time I wrote this script, the source code for the
# hci proprietary TCL procs were loacted in file
# $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/cloverleaf/nci.tlib
# History:
# 2001.02.28 Russ Ross
# – wrote initial version
# 2002.07.19 Russ Ross
# – added logic to prevent cycling the SMAT files twice in a row before
# the old SMAT files have been archived
# 2003.05.04 RussRoss
# – added logic to handle threads that are dead or do not exist anymore.
# 2004.06.22 Russ Ross
# – added logic to check that SMAT files are inactive for 7 days before assuming they are obsolete.
# 2005.12.28 Russ Ross
# – add logic to exit this script if no $HciSiteDir/monitorShmemFile exits
# End of Module Header =============================================================================
# exit this script if the shared memory pointer/file does not exist
# because running msiAttach without the existance of a shared memory pointer/file
# has a history of causing shared memory conflicts
if { [lsearch -exact [ls $HciSiteDir/exec] monitorShmemFile] == -1 } { exit }
foreach proc [netcfgGetProcList] {
foreach thread [lsort [netcfgGetProcConns $proc]] {
set klist_msiTocEntry_connection [msiTocEntry $thread]
set thread_alive [keylget klist_msiTocEntry_connection ALIVE]
# cycle inbound and outbound SMAT if thread is running and no old SMAT exists
if { $thread_alive } {
if ![file exists $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.in.old.idx] {
catch {exec hcicmd -p $proc -c “$thread save_cycle in” 2>/dev/null}
if ![file exists $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.out.old.idx] {
catch {exec hcicmd -p $proc -c “$thread save_cycle out” 2>/dev/null}
# rename the inbound and outbound SMAT if thread is not running and no old SMAT exists
if { !$thread_alive } {
if {[file exists $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.in.idx] & ![file exists $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.in.old.idx]} {
catch {exec mv $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.in.idx $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.in.old.idx 2>/dev/null}
catch {exec mv $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.in.msg $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.in.old.msg 2>/dev/null}
if {[file exists $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.out.idx] & ![file exists $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.out.old.idx]} {
catch {exec mv $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.out.idx $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.out.old.idx 2>/dev/null}
catch {exec mv $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.out.msg $HciProcessesDir/$proc/${thread}.out.old.msg 2>/dev/null}
}; # end of thread loop
# rename any inbound SMAT for threads that have been inactive for more than 7 days
set obsolete_smat_list [exec find $HciProcessesDir/$proc/ -type f -mtime +7 -name “*.in.idx”]
foreach idx_file $obsolete_smat_list {
regsub “.in.idx$” $idx_file {.in.msg} msg_file
regsub “.in.idx$” $idx_file {.in.old.idx} old_idx_file
regsub “.in.idx$” $idx_file {.in.old.msg} old_msg_file
if ![file exists $old_idx_file] {
catch {exec mv $idx_file $old_idx_file 2>/dev/null}
catch {exec mv $msg_file $old_msg_file 2>/dev/null}
# rename any outbound SMAT for threads that have been inactive for more than 7 days
set obsolete_smat_list [exec find $HciProcessesDir/$proc/ -type f -mtime +7 -name “*.out.idx”]
foreach idx_file $obsolete_smat_list {
regsub “.out.idx$” $idx_file {.out.msg} msg_file
regsub “.out.idx$” $idx_file {.out.old.idx} old_idx_file
regsub “.out.idx$” $idx_file {.out.old.msg} old_msg_file
if ![file exists $old_idx_file] {
catch {exec mv $idx_file $old_idx_file 2>/dev/null}
catch {exec mv $msg_file $old_msg_file 2>/dev/null}
}; # end of process loop
Russ Ross
You’ve just made my day – thanks:-) I’ve been working on my own Tcl scripts to parse Netconfig and although it is almost complete and works, the nci scripts may give me some pointers.
- Jared Parish