Protocol pdl-tcpip to file

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Protocol pdl-tcpip to file

  • Creator
  • #48935
    Nora Katz

      I have an incoming thread using Protocol:pdl-tcpip.  I want to direct some messages to a file, so I created a destination thread using Protocol: file and entered a filename for the output.  But, nothing is getting written to me file.  What could I be doing wrong?

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    • Author
      • #60171
        Hongle Sun

          clicked on the property, you need define a filename and file format, Length-encoded, for most case. and pick append to file option. the way it would not write off all the exiting data in the file if you turn on the process.

          , another thing you need to check is the thread outbound tab, make sure not select the await reply… good luck

        • #60172
          Nora Katz

            Thanks, did all that and still nothing in file.

          • #60173
            Hongle Sun

              check your in/outbound error log, and see if complains something. Did you have any filters set up?

            • #60174
              Nora Katz

                no filters set up, just doing a raw route for now until I can figure out why I am not getting anything written to file.

                don’t see any errors.

              • #60175
                Michael Hertel

                  Nora, does your config look like this?

                • #60176
                  Nora Katz

                    Thanks to Jim Koslosky for spending a significant amount of time looking over my threads/processes and getting them to work.  We think it was because the “auto-start conntection” was checked on the thread that was writing to a file.  This box is checked by default, so I didn’t think to uncheck it.  Messages are getting thru now that the box is unchecked!

                    Thanks again to Jim and everyone else that replied to my question.

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