We are currrently setting up a new interface to pass a specific Lab result from our Lab system to a new HL7 Interface. The messgage from the Lab is in a fixed record layout and is translated to a HL7 ORU_R01 message.
The problem is there are carriage returns line feeds in a text field that is being mapped to the 3rd Field ( Comment ) in the NTE Segment. The vendor said that he cannot accept these messages that every HL7 Message is delimited by
I Understand that each hl7 segment is determined by
Basically the supplier wants me to strip out the carriage returns, which I know can be easily done ,
But the question I have is , Is this the normal thing to do ?, or should he be dealing with it at his end , just need to know for further interfaces. The supplier wants the carriage returns replaced with ( ~ repetition characters ) or he cant accept them.
Thanks in advance