I am trying to use override attributes while doing an ‘odbc sqlconnect’ command. It is not functioning as I expect.
I suspect the API in between Tcl and the DataDirect Drivers does not support use of override attributes.
Here is what I am issuing:
odbc sqlconnect $hdbc “DSN=Text;TT=Tab” SQL_NTS “” 0 “” 0
What is coming back is:
Error: cannot find Driver keyword entry for data source DSN=Text;TT=Tab
It appears the odbc package is taking the DSN argument and treating it strictly as a Data Source Name (DSN) instead of allowing for the possibility of overrides.
Or (and this is very likely) I have something very wrong syntactically.
It would be disappointing if I could not set up general DSNs in the odbc.ini file and then override them at execution time.
Anyone know if overrides are acceptable?
Jim Kosloskey
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.