We’ll be upgrading from Series 9.0 to 11 in the near future. I was wondering if anyone who has upgraded to 11 have encountered any interface issues with Series 11?
No Issues that I have come across. I have a couple of Series 9 to 11 customers and have been running for a while.
Don’t know if you ever had the problem with the separation characters. If you do back in 1998 I came across the ebcdictoascii and asciitoebcdic tables had 6 characters that didn’t translate correctly….ie ! –> ] and back ] –> . So they would translate back and forth…. These tables are qascii and qebcdic on as400……
I’m in the same boat as you. We are planning on going live with Series 11.0 early December. We use both SRI and HBOCHI interfaces. I’m not expecting any real surprises.
We’re using both SRI and HBOCHI as well. I’m glad to hear nobody is expecting problems. I didn’t think McKesson would change the interface up any, but you never know.