ftp encryption

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  • Creator
  • #48736
    John Harvey

      Hi all,  I know I just posted this the other day, but I can’t seem to find my original post!  I was asking last week if anyone has used quovadx to encrypt a file before ftping it to an outside vendor.  I am on version 5.2 and our version isn’t designed for this.  Someone mentioned they had done this, and I was hoping for some more info.

      Whatever info is available…thanks in advance!



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    • Author
      • #59534
        Mike Grieger
        • #59535
          Bakha Nurzhanov

            I have done such thing. I am encrypting content of a message before passing it to the outbound protocol driver. I had difficult time doing dual pipe as in:

            (UNIX eq: cat “message” | pgp | cat ) so I had to create a temporary file by writing the message. I then exec pgp < tempfile_in > tempfile_out. Lastly I would read tempfile_out back into message and pass it on. You would also need to change DRIVERCTL metadata to append .pgp to the original file name (which is not mandatory but is a nice thing to do to your trading partner). You would need to create temp directory in your $HCIROOT if you use this code verbatim. You also would need to use command line version of pgp and it will have to be in your $PATH. I also get original file name from USERDATA structure of message metadata which I populate using custom code.

            Here is the snippet of the code:


                           global HciConnName HciRootDir
                           set msgCtr [CtrNextValue “${HciConnName}”]
                           set msgOutFileName [file join ${HciRootDir} {temp} ${HciConnName}_${msgCtr}]
                           set msgOutFile [open ${msgOutFileName} w]
                           msgwrite raw $mh $msgOutFile
                           flush $msgOutFile
                           close $msgOutFile
                           set msgInFileName “$msgOutFileName.pgp”
                           catch { exec pgp +verbose=0 +force -ef < $msgOutFileName > $msgInFileName ${pgp_user_id} }
                           set msgInFileSize [file size ${msgInFileName}]
                           set msgInFile [open ${msgInFileName} r]
                           msgread raw $mh $msgInFile $msgInFileSize
                           close $msgInFile
                           file delete $msgOutFileName $msgInFileName

                           set fileName “$fileName.pgp”
                           set drvr_ctl_str “{FILESET {{OBFILE $fileName} {OBSTYLE single}}}”
                           msgmetaset $mh DRIVERCTL $drvr_ctl_str

                           lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

          • #59536
            Bob Schmid


              Where / what version of pgp are you using and are you running it on UNIX ? what flavor ?



            • #59537
              Bakha Nurzhanov

                Robert, see below

                $ pgp -h

                Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8

                $ uname -a

                HP-UX mkifmgr2 B.11.11 U 9000/800 151424690 unlimited-user license

                I got it from http://web.mit.edu/network/pgp.html (MIT PGP distribution site) which apparently no longer provides it.

                This site http://www.pgpi.org/products/pgp/versions/freeware/unix/ seems to have it.

              • #59538
                Bob Schmid

                  Appreciate your time!

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