Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf MySQL for AIX

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  • #48571
    Brad Dorr

      I have installed and can connect to MySQL on our AIX 5.2 Cloverleaf server.  We are running version 5.2 of Cloverleaf.  I am now trying to get Cloverleaf to talk to the DB, but I am getting an error saying “Specified driver could not be loaded”.  I have install the ODBC driver for MySQL on the server and updated the odbc.ini file in Connect4.2 folder.  See below.  Has anyone done this before that could offer some assistance?










      Here are the TCl commands I used:

      package require odbc

      odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_ENV SQL_NULL_HANDLE henv

      odbc SQLSetEnvAttr $henv SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION SQL_OV_ODBC3 0

      odbc SQLAllocHandle SQL_HANDLE_DBC $henv hdbc

      odbc SQLConnect $hdbc PHNS_Nimbus_QOSDB SQL_NTS myid SQL_NTS mypassword SQL_NTS

      odbc SQLGetDiagRec SQL_HANDLE_DBC $hdbc 1 SqlState NativeError MessageText 711 TextLength

      echo $MessageText


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      • #59028


          I believe you would need the following drivers. Please see below.

          Third-Party ODBC Middleware

          The third-party middleware converts the ODBC calls executed in the application to a language understood by a particular DBMS. Network communications are handled by the ODBC middleware, by DBMS networking software, or by a combination of the two.

          The ODBC middleware used in QDX Data Integrator is supplied by DataDirect Technologies:

          DataDirect Connect. QDX Data Integrator 5.3 supports DataDirect Connect version 4.2. These are the traditional ODBC drivers (database-specific components installed on the client), and do not require an ODBC server software installation.

          DataDirect SequeLink. QDX Data Integrator 5.3 supports DataDirect SequeLink 5.3. This puts the DBMS-specific code on the server and only provides a single DBMS-independent ODBC driver on the client. DataDirect SequeLink requires a DBMS-specific SequeLink piece to be installed on the ODBC server, and client software installed on the Host Server machine.

        • #59029
          Ed Mastascusa

            Hi Brad,

            we’re using Data direct 4.2 with cloverleaf  5.3 on AIX

            not sure if this will help but I once encountered a similar “can’t load driver” problem in going from Connect3.8(?) to Connect 4.2 on MS-SQL.

            here are 2 things to check:

            1) Check that 4.2 actually has the file and not a newer version. In our case we needed to change the driver referenced in the odbc ini file for MS-SQL from to to match what 4.2 provided.   Perhaps you have a similar situation in that 4.2 provides a later version of the driver referenced in the odbc.ini file.

            2) Also, connect 4.2 may require a specific version of the ODBC package – I notice your package require statment is not looking for a specific version.  When we switched from 3.8 to 4.2 we also went from using the 3.0 version of the odbc package to 6.0.

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