MQ Message Size limitation

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf MQ Message Size limitation

  • Creator
  • #48557
    Scott Folley

      How can I configure the MQ driver in cloverleaf to allow a message size greater than 4 Meg?  I have done this with a java application and I know that it should be possible with the settings that I have on the MQ Queue Manager.  It is a local Queue Manager and I have tried bind but I get a message length error when I try to read it with cloverleaf.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    • Author
      • #58991
        Amy Gray

          Hi Scott,

          We have run into similar issues when sending big messages outbound with a client connection.   For any messages that were too large, we needed to set up an MQ server connection and define the message length in the MQ definitions.   We could never get Cloverleaf to work with client connections and messages over 4 meg.  It sounds like you are reading inbound and have already examined the MQ setup.   Unfortunately, I don’t have a solution for you but wanted to let you know we have experienced similar problems.    

          Good luck,

          Amy Gray

        • #58992
          Scott Folley

            How did you set it up for an MQ server connection?  We are using a local Queue Manager so I don’t need it to be a client connection but I can’t figure out what the right selections are to make it a server connection.  Also, thank you for the response – I appreciate knowing that it is not just me.

          • #58993
            Amy Gray


              The message queue is set up as follows in:

              DEFINE QREMOTE(queue name)  +

                   LIKE (SYSTEM.DEFAULT.REMOTE.QUEUE)  +

                   RNAME(queue name on remote server) +

                   RQMNAME(queue manager name on remote server) +

                   XMITQ(transmit queue defined-see below)  +

                   REPLACE   +

                   DESCR(‘queue description’)

              DEFINE QLOCAL(transmit queue) +


                  MAXMSGL(67108864) MAXDEPTH(500000) +

                  USAGE(XMITQ)  REPLACE  +

                  GET(ENABLED) +

                  DESCR(‘transmit queue description’)

              The remote queue is the server queue that uses the transmit queue to send the data.  We have multiple threads set up with the individual server/remote queues.   We usually set up one xmit queue for each server we connect to; the multiple server/remote queues can point to one xmit queue.    Within Cloverleaf, the queue name is the server/remote queue; the xmit queue is not defined within Cloverleaf.

              I hope this makes sense.  If not let me know,


            • #58994
              Scott Folley

                Now you are going to see my inexperience with MQ.  I was putting in information into the part of the MQ setup that indicates client.  Apparently it is important that you leave that blank if you want it to connect to the local queue manager.  I removed the client information and had no difficulty reading 8 Meg messages off of the queue.  It is dog slow to do it, but it does work.

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