We have an issue sometimes where the monitor will show all the threads dead on one PC, but on a different PC it will show all the threads up and running. For instance, Sunday morning our Support Center contacted our Star support folks about an registration issue. The call eventually made it to our Star/Cloverleaf server admin and when he saw no issues with Star he checked the Cloverleaf monitor from his laptop. All the threads showed up dead, but when he called the support center their monitor indicated all threads were up and running. The support center closed and reopened their monitor and when that happened the server admin’s monitor changed from dead to and Up status. It had been reported that for 45 minutes nothing was crossing thru Cloverleaf until the support center restarted their monitor.
has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone explain why this happened? It’s my understanding that the monitor won’t have an effect on the message flow unless someone shuts a thread down. Am I misunderstanding something?