Luckily the hciprocstatus command is TCL so so you simply add a little to it in the procedure emitSummary. This is the procedure after change:
proc emitSummary { data } {
global HciProcessesDir ExitStatus
set ExitStatus 0
# added %-5.5s to end of output that will hold the pid
set fmt “%-15.15s %-8.8s %-48.48s %-5.5s”
echo [format $fmt Process State Message Pid]
echo “————— ——– ———————————————— —–”
foreach entry $data {
lassign $entry process state msg
# The pid file might not exist. Display empty if so
set pidFile [file join $HciProcessesDir $process pid]
if { [file readable $pidFile] } {
regsub -all — {[^0-9]} [read_file $pidFile] “” ppid
} else {
set ppid “”
echo [format $fmt $process $state $msg $ppid]
if { $state == “running” } {
set ExitStatus 1
For those that don’t want to edit $HCIROOT/bin/hciprocstatus, I have attached the edited resulted for 5.4P. As far as know the hciprocstatus command has not changed since 3.3.0P, but: Create a backup, or better yet copy the command somewhere else to try it out first.
Sample output:
Process State Message Pid
————— ——– ———————————————— —–
HTB4DEV_3 dead Exit time unavailable
HTB5DEV_4_1 running Started at Tue Apr 04 09:26:24 2006 1772
The attached has the extension htc for Windows. For UNIX just remove that and edit the interpreter line at the top.[/code]