I hope this helps ..
We use TCL translations extensivley and have a library ‘Print’ command.
A print command request looks like this …
Print GlobGCRT$HciConnName “Global ACKDEST = [GlobGCRT$HciConnName GET ACKDEST]” “I”
Print GlobGCRT$HciConnName “Global ACKMSGTYPE = [GlobGCRT$HciConnName GET ACKMSGTYPE]” “I”
Print GlobGCRT$HciConnName “Global ACKTYPE = [GlobGCRT$HciConnName GET ACKTYPE]” “I”
Print GlobGCRT$HciConnName “Global ACKDISP = [GlobGCRT$HciConnName GET ACKDISP]” “I”
Where the Glob… is a function using a unique namespace to ‘set’ and ‘get’ variables, so configuration variables are thread and code specific.
The code is ..
proc Print { aGlobals aString {aCode “D” } } {
# HciConnName – global variable set by the system
global HciConnName
set myDebug [ $aGlobals GET DEBUG ]
set myName [ $aGlobals GET NAME ]
# if this is a Non-debug message, OR the debug flag is TRUE
# print the message
if { $aCode != “D” || $myDebug == “TRUE” } {
# set the message prefix, either error or debug
switch $aCode {
“C” {
set myctx “CRITICAL”
“E” { set myctx “ERROR” }
“W” { set myctx “WARNING” }
“I” { set myctx “INFO ” }
“D” { set myctx “DEBUG” }
default { set myctx “INFO” }
set myThreadName “[fmtclock [getclock] %X] $HciConnName $myName”
# now display the message …
echo “$myThreadName:$myctx: $aString”
};# end of Print
A Typical thread startup (a thread sending data) looks like this …
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_msginfo:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_code_msginfo.tcl,v 1.3 2003/08/18 07:35:49 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_msginfo:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_library.tcl,v 1.36 2005/12/08 07:14:38 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_msginfo:INFO : RcsVerChk min = 1.7
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_msginfo:INFO : RcsVerChk chk = 1.36
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_msginfo:INFO : MODE = start; CONTEXT = send_data_ok; APPL = ris; LEVEL = test; SITE = ih; DATA = adt; FLOW = snd
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_code_resend.tcl,v 1.9 2006/03/30 03:11:15 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_library.tcl,v 1.36 2005/12/08 07:14:38 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RcsVerChk min = 1.2
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RcsVerChk chk = 1.36
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : MODE = start; CONTEXT = send_data_ok; APPL = ris; LEVEL = test; SITE = ih; DATA = adt; FLOW = snd
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : Load the Configuration file
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: START
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_code_resend.tcl,v 1.9 2006/03/30 03:11:15 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_library.tcl,v 1.36 2005/12/08 07:14:38 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RcsVerChk min = 1.2
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RcsVerChk chk = 1.36
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : MODE = start; CONTEXT = reply_gen; APPL = ris; LEVEL = test; SITE = ih; DATA = adt; FLOW = snd
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : Load the Configuration file
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: START
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_code_resend.tcl,v 1.9 2006/03/30 03:11:15 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RCS Info $Id: gen_library.tcl,v 1.36 2005/12/08 07:14:38 he00387 Exp $
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RcsVerChk min = 1.2
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : RcsVerChk chk = 1.36
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : MODE = start; CONTEXT = sms_ib_reply; APPL = ris; LEVEL = test; SITE = ih; DATA = adt; FLOW = snd
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : Load the Configuration file
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: START
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : MAXIMUM Retries Allowed = 0
15:36:27 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : AE ACK [ACK|NAK] = ACK
A ‘run’ looks like this …
15:41:29 ris_test_ih_adt_rcv :INFO : Testing with [ACK_NO]. Values ‘ACK_NO’, ‘ACK_AR’, ‘ACK_AE’, ‘ACK_A2’, ‘ACK_R2’, ‘ACK_E2’, ”
15:41:29 ris_test_ih_adt_rcv :DEBUG: Separator = >|<; Component = >^<; Repetition = >~<
15:41:29 ris_test_ih_adt_rcv :DEBUG: RECV: >MSH|^~&|HL7LAB||CLOVERLEAF|qdxi01p|200510131611||ORU^R01|101|D|2.1|||||^MPID|||A9994292||<
15:41:29 ris_test_ih_adt_rcv :DEBUG: [ACK_NO] IGNORE MSG KILL: MSH|^~&|HL7LAB||CLOVERLEAF|qdxi01p|200510131611||ORU^R01|101|D|2.1|||||^MPID|||A9994292||
15:41:39 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:INFO : No response within timeout. Resending saved message …
15:41:39 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: KILL Msg
15:41:39 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: PROTO Saved Msg
15:41:39 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: RETURN [{KILL message1} {PROTO message0}]
15:41:39 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: Separator = >|<; Component = >^<; Repetition = >~<
15:41:39 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: SEND CTRLID [101]
15:41:39 ris_test_ih_adt_snd gen_code_resend:DEBUG: RETURN []
We also ensure that translation prints the old and new values, so we can produce reports etc
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :DEBUG: Separator = >|<; Component = >^<; Repetition = >~<
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :DEBUG: WARNING: XlateMsg: Translation function ‘XlatePreMSH’ Does not exist
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :DEBUG: WARNING: XlateMsg: Translation function ‘XlatePrePID’ Does not exist
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :DEBUG: WARNING: XlateMsg: Translation function ‘XlatePrePV1’ Does not exist
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :INFO : Ultra site is >PMH<
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :DEBUG: WARNING: XlateMsg: Translation function ‘XlatePreOBX’ Does not exist
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :DEBUG: Site is >PM<
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :INFO : OLD:>MSH|^~&|HL7LAB||CLOVERLEAF|qdxi01d|200603290800||ORU^R01|22795|D|2.1|||||^MPID|||L0747933||KINGSTON^ALEC||19550515|M|||17 JUMP STREET^^FREMANTLE|||||||LP06030
02901||||^MPV1||I|3B|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||^MOBR|1||P-3002901D|HCOAGS^COAG PROFILE FOR JFS^L||200603290755|200603290755|||||||200603290755||0404311K^HAGGETT&TIMOTHY||||PMH^PRIN
CESS MARGART||200603290800|||F|||||||||||^MOBX|1|TX|RECEIVED^^L||29/03/2006 07:55||||||F|||||^M<
08:01:04 sud_test_ih_lab_in :INFO : NEW:>MSH|^~&|SUD@IH|QDX|RCV_PM_LAB|ICM|200603290800||ORU^R01|22795:1560:SUD@IH:T:03141014|D|2.3|||||^MPID|||L0747933^^^MRN||KINGSTON^ALEC||19550515|M|||17 JUMP STR
EET^^FREMANTLE|||||||PM@0000L0747933^^^Acct No|^MPV1||Inpatient|ZZZZ-IH^^^P1|||||||||||||||ZZZZ|^MOBR|1|^PCS|P-3002901D^LAB|HCOAGS^COAG PROFILE FOR JFS^L||200603290755|200603290755|||||||200603290755|
|||P-3002901D||PMH^PRINCESS MARGART||200603290800|||F|^MOBX|1|TX|REGBYLAB^^L||29/03/2006 07:55||||||F|||||^M<